My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3385 3385The surprising and strange thing is

"Chi..." The ghost car let out a shrill scream, and the bird or beast in the middle exploded violently, and a ball of flame appeared in the broken neck, so pure and flawless. A mysterious and powerful force was also released.

What is surprising and weird is that this power is clear, pure, and holy. It is completely different from the strong evil intention in the ghost car, and even completely repels it. But if you look closely, you will find that the flame is surrounded by runes, forming an ancient and powerful restriction. Obviously, this pure and holy flame did not belong to Gui Che, but was sealed within its body and forcibly used by it.

The remaining eight birds and beasts screamed loudly, and the runes in the broken neck flickered. The flame was forcibly activated, and a bolt of fire erupted and merged into the wall of fire.

The cracks that originally spread like a spider web healed in the blink of an eye. Ye Yunji groaned and stepped back a little. The blood at the corner of his mouth became a little thicker. Gritting his teeth, he stretched his hands to his chest.

That power was so majestic and vast that it even surpassed the ghost car itself. Unless the bloodline restriction was activated and he showed his strongest strength without any reservation, not even he could compete with it!

Of course, he also knew that once he did that, his biggest secret would be exposed in front of everyone. Unless he could kill everyone from the Broken Moon Sect and the Three Saints of Moyun on the spot, what awaited him would be the Wuji Holy Heaven. All the powerful men, even the three sage kings, joined forces to hunt him down. But facing a powerful ancient beast like Gui Che, and a force even more powerful than Gui Che, he had no other choice.

"One sword, slay the prehistoric world!" Ye Yunji's fingers had already touched the blood on his chest, and just as he was about to take action, he heard the familiar sound of Gu Fenghua's clear drink.

"Fenghua!" Ye Yunji was suddenly startled.

Faced with the power of the ghost car and the bird, even he was helpless. He had to take off the blood and open the blood restriction. Why did Feng Hua come back, other than to let her go?

Letting go of the hand that had touched the blood, he subconsciously reached out to stop it, but his hand only stretched out halfway and stopped again. Fenghua is by no means an impulsive and reckless person. She must have her reasons for doing this. Just as she had unreserved trust in herself, he should also have the same trust in her.

Temporarily giving up the idea of ​​activating the bloodline restriction, Ye Yunji continued to go all out, injecting holy energy into the golden sword light. At the same time, Gu Fenghua's strongest sword also cut down.

Even if he only relied on the instinct of the mythical beast, Gui Che also knew that Gu Fenghua's strength would not pose a decent threat to him at all, so he ignored it at all and continued to forcefully destroy the mysterious and powerful force, leaving Gu Fenghua alone. A sword struck the wall of fire that was so solid that it almost had substance.

"Hoo!" Sure enough, Gu Fenghua's sword did not pose a decent threat to Gui Che. After the wind, the flames swayed a few times, but the wall of fire was unscathed.

But the pure and holy flame surged towards Gu Fenghua along the long sword.

"You don't overestimate your capabilities. With your little strength, you actually dare to fight against the ancient ghost chariot bird! You can still live if you commit evil by God, but you can't live if you commit sin on your own!" Weng Yuanming held up the remains of the ghost chariot that was obviously made of ghost chariot. The refined bone flute said contemptuously while making a series of hand seals.

No one knows the strength of the ghost car and the bird better than him. If it weren't for a coincidence, they just signed the contract with the ghost car before the soul of the ghost car awakened. The three brothers would have died without even the scum left. . And even in his deep sleep, the remnant spirit of the ghost car was extremely powerful. In the end, it was the three brothers who joined forces to sign the contract reluctantly. Looking back now, he couldn't help but be secretly afraid.

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