My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3460 3460The only way to make a fortune that you can think of

Jiang Chengye and others felt their hearts tremble, and they also became sad.

When strong men fight, they will leave a strong energy behind. In some ancient ruins, because of the natural formations, the energy will last for thousands of years. But Duanmu Qingming is not an ancient footprint, and it is impossible to have his own formation, but he left such a strong energy, what does it mean? It can only mean that he was beaten very badly, very miserably... very miserably!

"Uncle, it shouldn't be difficult to find them now, right?" Duanmu Qingming asked.

"Yeah, it shouldn't be difficult." It was Duanmu Qingming's face that mattered, so Jiang Chengye didn't dare to ask how badly he was beaten, and made another set of handprints.

On the soul board, the pointer rotated rapidly again, and finally stopped, pointing steadily in another direction.

"Found it." Jiang Chengye said happily.

"Let's go! This time, I will make it impossible for them to fly. If they don't take revenge, I, Duanmu Qingming, swear that I will not be a human being!" Duanmu Qingming uttered a cruel word and took the lead to chase in the direction pointed by the soul board.

Zhendan City is an ancient small city, less than one-tenth the size of a city, but its prosperity is far beyond the imagination of Gu Fenghua and others.

It was almost sunset, but there was an endless stream of people entering the city, lining up in two long queues, and the city was even more noisy. Gu Fenghua and others lined up at the back of the team and followed the crowd towards the city.

"The entrance fee to the city is one hundred high-grade Holy Spirit Stones per person, which can also be paid off with Heavenly Grade Holy Pills. They will be returned together when leaving the city." In the distance, the guards at the city gate shouted loudly.

"You still have to pay for entering the city?" Luo Enen said in surprise.

From Tianji Continent to Wuji Shengtian, they had been to many cities, and this was the first time they heard that they had to pay for entering the city.

"Now that you've accepted it, why are you coming back?" Fatty Bai also looked confused.

It's weird enough to go into town and collect money, but then return it after you collect it. Isn't this just because you're full?

Not only them, Gu Fenghua was also confused.

"Young people, don't you know?" Hearing their questions, an old man next to him said kindly.

"It's our first time to come to True Alchemy City. We don't know the rules of True Alchemy City, so we asked our seniors to teach us." Gu Fenghua bowed slightly and asked curiously.

"Actually, this is not the rule of True Alchemy City. In the past, True Alchemy City could come and go as often as you wanted. There was no entry fee. However, today is the True Alchemy Festival held once every hundred years in True Alchemy City. Alchemy masters from all over the world gathered here. , Zhendan City is not big, and it will inevitably be overcrowded. If this rule is not temporarily established, everyone will rush to Zhendan City, and I am afraid that the city walls will collapse." The old man looked at Gu Fenghua. Although he was young, he had such a His calm and unhurried temperament was completely different from that of ordinary sect disciples. He was modest, polite and not at all arrogant. He couldn't help but feel good about him and explained patiently.

"Is the true elixir festival a competition for elixir refining?" Luo Enen asked excitedly, with stars flashing in his eyes.

During the last weapon ceremony in Dongji City, they looked for people to bet and made a lot of money relying on Gu Fenghua's superb weapon refining skills. I didn't expect to come to True Alchemy City today. I just happened to catch up with some True Alchemy Festival. The opportunity to make a fortune came again. Miss Luo couldn't help but be excited.

Ever since she saw Ye Yunji's astonishing wealth, she has been thinking hard about making a fortune, and so far, this is the only way she can think of to make a fortune.

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