My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3474 3474 In just one sentence, it’s all about the guest.

"Misunderstanding, did I slap this slap myself? Not only did they injure my guards in the village, but they also secretly attacked me while I was not prepared. How can there be any misunderstanding?" Jiang Chengye pointed at his face and said with a sneer.

Ye Yunji's slap was so hard that he could still feel the burning pain on his face.

In the past, Jiang Chengye cared about his reputation and would be too embarrassed to publicize it even if he was beaten. At most, he would only let people take revenge in private. But today, in order to seize Gu Fenghua's rich family fortune, he didn't care about his reputation.

Everyone looked carefully, and sure enough, there were five fingerprints on Jiang Chengye's face that had not completely faded away. It was obvious that he had been slapped hard not long ago.

Of course, it is impossible for the dignified owner of Lingdan Villa to give up his own face just to frame others. Now, let alone the other holy alchemists who had a good impression of Gu Fenghua, even Zhong Shizhen didn't know how to defend Gu Fenghua.

"Zhong Shizhen, what else do you have to say now? Gu Fenghua dared to commit murder and hurt people in Lingdan Villa, and the owner of the village was injured. This is clearly an enemy of our entire Dan Dao world. If we don't give an explanation today, we will definitely Don't spare her!" the red-nosed old man roared loudly.

"Yes, if I don't give an explanation today, I will never let her off lightly!" Around him, hundreds of Holy Alchemists also roared in unison, and for a while, the crowd was filled with anger and anger.

Zhong Shizhen glanced at Gu Fenghua quietly. Although I don’t know what the grudge is between Gu Fenghua and Jiang Chengye, in this situation, it’s useless to say anything, and no one will listen to her explanation. The only thing Gu Fenghua can do is to take advantage of the other party’s failure. Take action and leave immediately!

Of course Gu Fenghua understood his look, but he didn't move. Although these holy alchemists are obsessed with alchemy and their cultivation levels are not too high, their numbers are quite large. They cannot be underestimated if they join forces. If they want to break out of the siege, they will inevitably hurt others. By then, it will be true. Become an enemy of the entire alchemy world.

If it was for her relatives, friends, Ye Yunji, let alone being the enemy of the entire alchemy world, she didn't care even if she was the enemy of the whole world, but because of a despicable person like Jiang Chengye, it wasn't worth it.

"Yes, Jiang Chengye was indeed injured in our hands. If you want to explain, I will explain to you. If it is really my fault, let alone explain, I have nothing to say even to pay for his life!" Gu Fenghua took a step forward. , said loudly.

Although she was trapped in a tight siege and faced verbal and verbal criticism from hundreds of holy alchemists, her expression remained calm and calm, with no trace of fear in her eyes, and she was frank and majestic.

Everyone thought that she would deny it outright, or admit her mistake on the spot, but no matter whether she denied it or admitted her mistake, they would never give up. However, they did not expect that Gu Fenghua neither denied nor admitted her mistake, but admitted it frankly, and even said He was slightly startled by such lofty words as if he had nothing to say in compensation for his life. You look at me, I look at you, but I don’t know what to say.

With just one sentence, Gu Fenghua turned his back on the customer and completely turned the situation around. Zhong Shizhen had a look of surprise on her face, and even looked at Gu Fenghua with a bit of admiration. Even if it were him, faced with such a dilemma, he might not know how to deal with it for a while. It's hard not to admire Gu Fenghua for being so adaptable and courageous at such a young age.

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