My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3477 3477 No face given at all

Qiu and Chen subconsciously stopped and looked towards Jiang Chengye. Although every Zhendan Grand Conference is organized by the City Lord’s Mansion of Zhendan City, everyone knows that there are actually others behind the City Lord’s Mansion. Why? Because from ancient times to the present, those who dare to cause trouble at the True Alchemy Festival, regardless of their identity, background, or cultivation strength, will eventually die miserably, and the City Lord's Mansion obviously does not have that kind of strength.

Qiu and Chen originally thought that with the sign of Lingshan Villa, the support of Jianding Sect, and Lu Hongdao helping to speak, no one in the room would dare to stop them. They were also confident, but now that someone has spoken, they will not Dare to take action rashly.

"Who are you?" Jiang Chengye frowned and asked.

"You don't need to worry about who I am, you just need to answer my question. Are you really sure you want to take action?" The woman in the room did not answer his question, and still asked lazily, but her voice was obviously much colder.

"Gu Fenghua committed murder and hurt people in my Lingdan Villa. If I can't seek justice, who will take my Lingdan Villa seriously in the future." Jiang Chengye felt a chill down his back, but he still said it bravely.

"In that case, then you can do it. But I want to remind you that from ancient times to the present, no one who dared to take action at the True Alchemy Festival has walked out of the True Alchemy City alive." The woman in the room said calmly.

This is not a reminder, it is clearly a threat from Chi Guoguo. After hearing this, Qiu and Chen did not dare to act rashly.

Jiang Chengye was in the same trap as them, and could only turn to Lu Hongdao for help. No matter what connection Lu Hongdao had with Lingdan Villa, or there was no connection at all, it was obvious that the old man was on his side. With his status as Beidou, the leader of the alchemy world, the other party must give him some face.

"Lingdan Villa is a major holy place in our alchemy world. When Gu Fenghua commits murders and hurts people in Lingdan Villa, he is an enemy of our Wuji Holy Heaven's thousands of holy alchemists, and the True Alchemy Festival is also a sacred place in our alchemy world. It's such a grand event that I should uphold justice for Lingdan Villa. Please be accommodating and give me Lu Hongdao some face." Lu Hongdao also thinks so. He doesn't need to give Jiang Chengye face, so why should he give me the face he deserves? Well, he took a few steps forward and said it with the air of a master of alchemy.

"Do you think you are very honorable? I'm sorry, I haven't heard of it. Stop talking nonsense and do it if you want to. In short, remember my reminder." The woman in the room still had a lazy tone, as if she had just woken up.

What, she has never heard of Lu Hongdao, how is this possible? Everyone looked shocked.

But soon, they realized that it wasn't that she had never heard of Lu Hongdao, but that she didn't take him seriously at all and refused to give him any face at all.

And her threat is still Chi Guoguo's threat!

Who is this person? He is so arrogant and flamboyant!

Lu Hongdao himself was so angry that he was shaking all over. Over the years, he had been complimented no matter where he went. Even all the major holy sects respected him as a guest. However, when he arrived at this true elixir event today, he was beaten severely by Gu Fenghua first. Face, and then even the host of this grand event showed no face at all.

"Okay, it's almost time, let's get started." The woman in the room didn't care about his face and gave instructions to someone.

Her indifferent attitude finally angered Lu Hongdao completely. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he flew towards Gu Fenghua. He wanted to see what the other party could do to him given his status?

No one thought that Lu Hongdao would really dare to take action under the repeated reminders or, more accurately, threats from the woman. There was an exclamation of surprise from the crowd.

The Third Grade Emperor Saint! Seeing the three golden holy beads between Lu Hongdao's eyebrows, Gu Fenghua was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that this old man, who had been immersed in alchemy all his life, would actually have such a level of cultivation.

However, they had gone through hard work, but they were not as careless as others. They had already been prepared to take action. When they saw Lu Hongdao rushing towards him, several of them raised their swords at the same time.

But this time, before they could slash out their swords, they heard a "bang" sound, and Lu Hongdao's figure flying in the air suddenly stopped, and then flew out gorgeously.

An old man with a thin face appeared in front of Gu Fenghua and others, standing proudly with his hands folded.

Opposite him, Lu Hongdao had fallen to the ground, leaving five bright red fingerprints on his face.

Everyone around was shocked again. Taishan Beidou, a dignified figure in the alchemy world, was actually slapped like this. Different from Gu Fenghua's subtle slap, this was a real slap.

"You, who are you? Do you know who I am?" Lu Hongdao was shocked and angry, and quickly drew out his sword.

"I am Qiu Yunxuan!" the old man said calmly, but he had the majesty of a superior person.

"Qiu Yunxuan!" There was a cry of exclamation from the crowd.

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