My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3514 3514 A little more contempt

Could it be that Gu Fenghua's alchemy skills were truly extraordinary? Seeing that Zhong Shizhen admired Gu Fenghua's alchemy skills so much, Jing Mingyue hesitated. According to his understanding, even if Zhong Shizhen wanted to help Gu Fenghua's face, he would not go to such an extent. However, how could Gu Fenghua have such alchemy skills at such a young age?

"Brother Jing, I won't say much else. Anyway, I finally managed to get Master Gu to help me today. If you refuse to believe me, I have nothing to do. Just pretend that we have never been here. . But I, Zhong Shizhen, have been extremely benevolent and righteous to you. If you don’t demand anything from me in the future, let alone say that I don’t miss my old feelings.” Seeing that he was still hesitating, Zhong Shizhen couldn’t help but get angry and said resolutely.

"Brother Zhong, don't worry. How can we not trust you after so many years of friendship? Let's start now. We'll start now." Even the good old Zhong Shizhen was really angry, and Jing Mingyue finally made up his mind.

Anyway, he prepared a total of three medicinal materials. Even if one was wasted by Gu Fenghua, there are still two. Let's treat it as a dead horse and a live doctor. He can't offend Zhong Shizhen because of this matter. After all, Zhong Shizhen's qualifications are not like his own. He is so mediocre as he said, and his alchemy strength is not as weak as he said. There will be many requests from him in the future.

"Master Gu, I have been injured for many years and have not recovered. It is inevitable that I will be agitated. I hope you will forgive me if I have offended you before. Let's do this. You guys sit down for a while and I will prepare the medicinal materials." Turning his head, Jing Mingyue quickly moved again. He changed his face and said to Gu Fenghua with a smile on his face.

Seeing Jing Mingyuan's apology, Zhong Shizhen finally breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at Gu Fenghua pleadingly.

"Okay, I'll wait." Now that Jing Mingyuan had apologized, Gu Fenghua couldn't say anything more for Zhong Shizhen's sake.

"Enter these distinguished guests well and don't show any neglect." Jing Mingyue ordered the servants and walked towards the back hall.

"Master Gu, these are the medicinal materials I prepared. Check if there are any mistakes." After half an hour, Jing Mingyue returned to the living room and placed the medicinal materials in front of Gu Fenghua.

"That's right, I'll start right now." Gu Feng checked and stood up and said.

She didn't like Jing Mingyue at all and had made up her mind to repay Zhong Shizhen's favor and leave immediately, so she had no intention of talking nonsense to him.

"Wait a minute." Jing Mingyue said.

"What's wrong?" Gu Fenghua asked impatiently.

"These medicinal materials are hard to come by. Master Gu, do you want to study them carefully?" Jing Mingyue said with a worried look.

Although he was mentally prepared to be a living doctor because of Zhong Shizhen, he still couldn't help but feel sad when he looked at the medicinal ingredients that he had worked so hard to gather.

At this moment, he even hoped that Gu Fenghua would be self-aware and give up on his own initiative.

Seeing this, Gu Fenghua felt a little more contempt for Jing Mingyue: Since you can't trust me, just don't let me practice. You have already taken out the medicinal materials, why are you talking about this, looking forward and backward, timid, how can you have the courage of a strong man?

"No, if the refining is useless, I will pay you a share of these medicinal materials." Gu Fenghua said coldly.

There were so many medicinal materials like this in her spiritual pure land that she didn't even pay attention to them. If she really wanted to refine them to waste, let alone compensate him for one share, eight out of ten would not hurt her at all.

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