"Material that can be made?" Jiang Chengye glanced at Duanmu Qingming inexplicably, and soon he discovered the evil light in his eyes that could not be concealed.

"Okay, then let's keep the two of them, and you can bring them back to the Sword Cauldron Sect and slowly reform them, hehe." Jiang Chengye was not a good person to begin with, and he immediately understood what his nephew was planning, and showed a knowing and dirty smile. .

"Originally I wanted to leave you a way out, but if you insist on seeking your own death, then you can't blame me." Suddenly, Gu Fenghua's cold and ruthless voice came to my ears.

She is not stupid, how could she not see the dirty thoughts of these uncle and nephew. Originally, she just wanted to teach them a lesson they would never forget, but at this moment, she changed her mind!

What is she saying? Jiang Chengye and Duanmu Qingming looked at each other inexplicably, almost suspecting that there was something wrong with their ears.

Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji are only two Emperor Saints, but they are seven Emperor Saints. Even if Jiang Chengye is excluded, there are still six Emperor Saints, and among them, two are fourth-grade Emperor Saints, and three are fourth-grade Emperor Saints. A third-grade Emperor Saint, I really don’t know how Gu Fenghua could say such a thing. Is he just scared out of his wits?

"Hahahaha, Gu Fenghua, you dare to utter arrogant words when you are about to die, do you really think we are scared?" Jiang Chengye looked at Gu Fenghua as if he were an idiot, and couldn't help laughing wildly.

The two priests Qiu and Chen and the disciples of the Sword and Cauldron Sect also laughed out loud. Even a blind man can tell who is strong and who is weak, but Gu Fenghua still dares to put on airs. If he wasn't lucky and pretty, he would be looking for death.

Of course, falling into the hands of Duanmu Qingming, even if they are not afraid to death, they will not be much better. Thinking of something, their smiles have a little more evil meaning.

"I didn't expect that this Gu Fenghua would be so arrogant. No, this is not arrogant. It's just stupid. Fortunately, I didn't listen to Zhong Shizhen's advice and help her stand up. Otherwise, I would be killed by her one day without knowing why." Even Jing Mingyue was amused by Gu Fenghua's "silly words". She took a sip of tea and thought happily.

On the other hand, the guards from Lingdan Villa had a look of unbearability in their eyes. They knew exactly where the feud between Jiang Chengye and Gu Fenghua started. Thinking of their subsequent tragic fate, they couldn't help but feel a little pity in their hearts. Feelings.

"Laugh, laugh as much as you want, you don't have much time to laugh anyway." When people were even more surprised, when they heard Jiang Chengye's wild laughter, Gu Fenghua didn't feel any shame or fear, and his eyes were full of With ridicule and pity, he is like a good hunter looking at a hare - or maybe a pheasant - that has fallen into a trap and is dying.

"No need to talk nonsense to them, do it!" Seeing Gu Fenghua's contemptuous eyes, Jiang Chengye and Duanmu Qingming were furious and shouted in unison. Then he drew his sword at the same time and rushed towards Gu Fenghua and others.

Fearing that something might happen between the master and the young master, Qiu Chen and a group of Jianding Sect disciples also attacked at the same time. Of course, several Lingdan Villa guards followed closely, but they sympathized with Gu Fenghua's experience and deliberately He was several positions behind. Although he drew his long sword, he didn't move the holy energy at all. He was just showing off.

Of course, Jiang Chengye and Duanmu Qingming did not count on them. With seven dignified emperors and saints joining forces, there was no need for their efforts.

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