They accidentally let Duanmu Qingming go just now. Although Gu Fenghua didn't care, they were really sweating. Of course they wouldn't be careless this time.

"Don't kill me, please don't kill me. I was wrong. I don't dare to do it anymore. I'll give you whatever you want. I can give it to you at Lingdan Villa." Seeing the undisguised murderous look in the eyes of the three people "Yes," Jiang Chengye was so frightened that he almost lost his mind, crying and begging.

Gu Fenghua turned away coldly. She was not a bloodthirsty person, but people like Jiang Chengye deserved their death, and she would never be merciful.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, please spare my life!" Seeing the determination in Gu Fenghua's eyes, Jiang Chengye trembled all over and cried desperately.

"Wait!" At this moment, a man flew over and shouted anxiously.

Fang Yunsong. Seeing clearly that it was Fang Yunsong, the manager of Lingdan Villa, Gu Fenghua waved his hand and signaled Weng Yuanming and others to stop.

"Please be merciful to Gu Yuanshi and spare Jiang Chengye's life!" Fang Yunsong came to Gu Fenghua and before she could speak, he knelt down and begged.

"Manager Fang, I promised you last time not to embarrass Lingdan Villa, and I did it, but Jiang Chengye has been my enemy many times and wants to take my life today. Do you think I can let him go?" Gu Fenghua asked.

When she left Lingdan Villa last time, she promised to ignore the past grudges and actually gave Fang Yunsong enough face. However, Jiang Chengye didn't know what to do and made her an enemy again and again. The slander and frame-up at the Zhendan Festival was all that matter. Today he actually invited Mo Yun. Three Saints, if she hadn't refined the soul marks left on the ghost carriages by several people and happened to hold their lives, there would have been a fierce battle today.

The Clay Bodhisattva still has three parts of earth nature, how could she let Jiang Chengye go again.

"Gu Yuanshi, our family has worked for Lingdan Villa for generations, and we have also saved a fortune. We also have some elixir prescriptions given by senior alchemists. As long as you can let Jiang Chengye live, I am willing to give them all to you." ." Fang Yunsong opened the space bracelet.

I saw a strange light flash, and then what appeared in front of me was a mountain of strange flowers, rare herbs, holy elixirs, and spiritual stones. An original handbook with elixir prescriptions was neatly placed aside. Looking at the yellowed pages, it was obvious that they were all from the same age. old.

Even though Gu Fenghua and others were now wealthy, they were still shocked when they saw this. These exotic flowers and herbs are worth at least millions of Holy Spirit Stones. Some of them are medicinal herbs that even Gu Fenghua has never seen before, and their value is inestimable. And the experiences left by those Alchemy seniors Alchemy prescriptions are even more priceless treasures for most of the holy alchemists of Wuji Holy Heaven.

"If the Master of the Academy is still dissatisfied, I will give my life for a life. I just ask the Master of the Academy to let Jiang Chengye live." Seeing that Gu Fenghua was silent for a long time, Fang Yunsong gritted his teeth, pulled out his long sword, and pointed it toward his heart. Pulse away.

"Stop." Gu Fenghua held down his arm.

"Guanshi Fang, is it worth it?" Gu Fenghua asked after a moment of silence.

"My Fang family has worked for Lingdan Villa for generations, and we are called masters and servants with the Jiang family. In fact, we are close relatives. The old owner of the village regarded me as his own son. When he died, he even entrusted Lingdan Villa and Chengye to his responsibility. For me, this is such a trust. It's a pity that I failed the old owner and failed to teach Chengye well. He became like this because I was too indulgent to him.

I know that it is all his own fault that Chengye has fallen into this state, but if he really dies like this, I will not be able to see the old owner even if I am under Jiuquan. If Mr. Gu Yuanshi must be killed, I would be willing to take one life for another, and I hope Mr. Yuanshi will do it! Fang Yunsong burst into tears and kowtowed heavily.

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