My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3530 3530 Another burst of luck

"Yes, that must be the case. If she didn't have a strong family background, how could she have the guts to do this to Duanmu Qingming? Zhong Shizhen, who only wanted to put money on her face, must also know her origins and want to please her. Unexpectedly, This Zhong Shizhen has become such a philistine." Soon, he confirmed his guess and said with contempt.

Fortunately, Gu Fenghua and others were so disgusted by him that they fled away. Otherwise, they would have vomited on the spot when they heard these words: A snob like you has the nerve to call other people a philistine. How can you still? Couldn't be more shameless.

If the water is extremely clear, there will be no fish; if the people are extremely humble, they will be invincible. This should be someone like Jing Mingyue.

"Yes, that's what my lord said." Hearing his words, even the guard couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"Look, do you think what I said makes sense? Fortunately, I didn't let her start making alchemy today, otherwise all the medicinal materials that she had finally gathered together would be destroyed in her hands." At this point, Jing Mingyue said again It was a moment of joy.

In short, he didn't believe that Gu Fenghua could have any decent alchemy skills at his age.

"I didn't expect that I would gain so much from this true elixir event. It's a worthwhile trip. It's not a worthwhile trip." At this moment, several old men passed by the door of Mingyue Residence. One of them said with great emotion as he walked. .

"Yes, I have been in seclusion for thousands of years. It's eye-opening to see such a wonderful person just after I came out of seclusion." Another old man said, stroking his long beard.

"It's a pity that the time was too short and I didn't have time to ask her for advice, alas." Someone else sighed with regret.

Jing Mingyue looked at the few people in confusion, not knowing what they were talking about. She just felt that the old man in the middle looked familiar, so she looked at him carefully.

"Master Zhang, please stay. Master Zhang, please stay." After thinking for a moment, Jing Mingyue finally remembered who this person was and stepped forward to meet him in surprise.

"Who are you?" Zhang Zhiheng looked at Jing Mingyue in confusion. He seemed familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him before.

"Junior Jing Mingyue, I went to Yufeng Mountain with my father to visit my senior in my early years. I wonder if my senior still remembers me?" Jing Mingyue said respectfully, but could not hide her inner excitement.

Zhang Zhiheng is a well-known senior master in the alchemy world. Although he is not well-known because he is obsessed with alchemy and has been in seclusion for many years, he is extremely skilled in alchemy. Some even say that his alchemy strength is by no means inferior to Lu Hongdao. Jing Mingyue had searched for his whereabouts in order to treat his injuries. Unfortunately, after years of searching, there were no clues and she had to give up in the end. Unexpectedly, by such a coincidence today, I would see Zhang Zhiheng at the door.

"Your name is Jing Mingyue, and your father is Jing Wanli?" Zhang Zhiheng thought for a moment and had some impression of Jing Mingyue.

"Yes, yes, my father is Jing Wanli." Jing Mingyue nodded repeatedly.

"Why are you here after we are old friends?" Zhang Zhiheng asked.

"This junior was seriously injured many years ago and never recovered, so he lived in seclusion here." Jing Mingyue said.

"Oh, what kind of injury is it so serious?" Zhang Zhiheng asked curiously. Although he didn't know much about Jing Mingyue's strength, he had some understanding of the Jing family's background, and he knew that ordinary injuries could not defeat Jing Mingyue.

"Master Zhang, please come in and rest for a while, let me show my kindness as a landlord, and we will talk about the injury later." Jing Mingyue, a philistine, would certainly not treat Zhang Zhiheng like he treated Gu Fenghua, he said with an attentive look.

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