My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3532 3532 Completely sluggish

Gu Fenghua, is he talking about Gu Fenghua? Did I really hear that right? Impossible, impossible, they must have the same name. How could Gu Fenghua, at such a young age, possess an alchemy skill that even Zhang Zhiheng would be ashamed of? How could he be on par with Master Alchemy Lord? Jing Mingyue thought while comforting herself and deceiving herself.

"By the way, you must not underestimate Gu Fenghua just because she is young and a woman, let alone offend her. Something happened at this true elixir event, and I can't tell you more. , in short, all the holy alchemists present are ashamed of her, even me. I haven't had time to apologize to her properly. If you offend her again, from now on, no one will be willing to deal with you anymore, even I'll turn against you." Zhang Zhiheng didn't notice Jing Mingyue's strangeness, but he had some knowledge of his philistine problems, so he gave a special reminder.

"Ah!" Jing Mingyue seemed to be struck by countless thunderbolts above her head, completely stunned.

It turned out to be her, it turned out to be that Gu Fenghua! Zhang Zhiheng's words were so clear that he couldn't even deceive himself.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Zhiheng realized that something was not right about his expression and asked doubtfully.

"No, it's nothing?" Jing Mingyue said in despair.

"Okay, I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first." Zhang Zhiheng was eager to go back to retreat. After saying this, he quickly left with several old men.

Jing Mingyue stood there in despair, forgetting to say goodbye to several people. It wasn't until their figures disappeared far away that her feet weakened and she collapsed on the ground.

I originally thought that even if I underestimated Gu Fenghua and missed the great opportunity to ask her to make alchemy, I wouldn't have another chance. There were so many holy alchemists in Wuji Holy Heaven, and as long as I was willing to spend money, I could always find someone to help. Who would have expected that offending a Gu Fenghua would be equivalent to offending many alchemy masters, including Zhang Zhiheng.

There is no airtight wall in the world. What happened in Mingyueju today will be leaked sooner or later. Who can help him then?

Only then did he realize how stupid he had done. It would have been nice if he had been more polite to Fenghua. It would have been nice if he could have stepped forward when Jiang Chengye and others came to his door.'s a pity that there are not so many ifs in the world. I regret it now. That's too late.

Jing Mingyue was not the only one who regretted it. Jiang Chengye returned to Lingdan Villa in a daze, but when he saw no one at the door, he couldn't help but look startled.

Lingdan Villa is in decline, and the facade is always important. No matter day or night, no matter it blows or rains, there will always be guards on duty at the door. Why is there no one there today?

Still confused, Jiang Chengye sobered up a lot and strode inside. There was also silence in the house, and not a single ghost could be seen. Jiang Chengye suddenly thought of something, his expression changed, and he strode towards the alchemy room.

The door that had been closed all year was opened, and it was a mess inside. There were many pill bottles scattered on the ground, as if they had just been looted by bandits.

"Guanshi Fang, Guanshi Fang, what's going on?" Jiang Chengye yelled almost subconsciously as a bone-deep chill rushed from the soles of his feet to his forehead.

After shouting several times, but no one responded, Jiang Chengye finally shouted, Fang Yunsong had sold his life to Gu Fenghua in order to save his life.

"Master of the village, you are finally back, old slave, I am sorry to the master of the village..." In the corner, an old man stood up tremblingly. Before he could finish his words, he was already in tears.

"Ah Fu, what's going on? What happened?" Jiang Chengye asked urgently.

Ah Fu is an old man in the village. He was adopted by Lingdan Villa since he was a child. However, he has no cultivation, is dull and honest, and has no talent. He has been doing menial jobs all his life. Jiang Chengye thought he was an eyesore and wanted to drive him out of Lingdan Villa, but Fang Yunsong thought he was pitiful and persuaded him several times before reluctantly letting him stay.

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