My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3557 3557She realized she was wrong

When a monster awakens its ancient bloodline, it will inevitably become confused, and the ferocity hidden in its bloodline will also be awakened at the same time. Although the nature of the Dragon-winged Golden Roc is not as cruel and bloodthirsty as that of the Yuqi, since it is listed as one of the top ten ferocious beasts, it is certainly not a kind person. Gu Fenghua is really afraid that it will cause some big trouble.

"Well, then I'll chase it first. Fenghua, wait for me to come back." Wen Wanru also realized that the Yaoyao flew away this time not because he wanted to escape from his side, but because of the chaos in his bloodline awakening, and because he was afraid of it. If you get into trouble, chase after him quickly.

"Come quickly, do you want to kneel down on the washboard?" When she reached the door, she glared at her husband again.

"Oh, here it comes." The poor cheap brother-in-law ran over with a washboard in hand.

Holding Wen Wanru's hand, the two flew into the air and chased Yaoyao.

"What a strong strength!" Luo Enen said in surprise as he watched the two figures move hundreds of feet away and disappear into the night in the blink of an eye.

Although they can barely ride the wind now, they are not as easy as Wen Wanru and his wife, and their speed is far from comparable to them. Not to mention them, even Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji were ashamed.

They had seen Wen Wanru flying with both palms and beating the little owl half to death. They could vaguely see that her cultivation was not weak, but they did not expect that she would be so strong, let alone that cheap brother-in-law who was so afraid of his wife. , also has such strength.

"Who are they?" Fatty Bai asked curiously.

Of course, no one can answer this question.

"It's getting late, let's go and rest." Gu Fenghua was too lazy to waste energy on such unanswerable questions and walked towards the room. Anyway, it's not that important. We will find out when Wen Wanru and his wife come back and ask.

"By the way, what holy elixir did they give you just now?" Luo Enen asked curiously.

It was easy to find the answer to this question. Gu Fenghua took out the elixir bottle and opened the cap.

She had absolute confidence in her alchemy skills, so she didn't take this bottle of holy elixir seriously. She just saw other people kneeling on the washboard pitifully and was afraid that he would make Wen Wanru unhappy again, so she accepted it generously. But when she opened the bottle cap, she realized that she was wrong, very wrong!

"Emperor's Heart Transformation Pill!" Luo Enen and others exclaimed in unison in their ears.

At the True Pill Festival, they heard the name of the Emperor's Heart Transformation Pill more than once, and they learned about it out of curiosity. At this time, they could see at a glance that the pill bottle contained the legendary Emperor's Heart Transformation Pill. , and not just one, but ten in total.

Gu Fenghua had a look of surprise on his face, and even the hand holding the pill bottle was trembling slightly: Like the Six Paths Defying Heaven Pill and the Emperor's Five Spirit Pills, this Emperor's Heart Transformation Pill is also one of the legendary ancient wonder pills!

In order to get an imperial five-spirit pill, she went through all kinds of troubles, and her relationship with Jiang Chengye was like fire and water. If Jiang Chengye hadn't changed his mind and insisted on making things difficult for her, she might still be helpless until now. Who would have expected that the Emperor's Heart Transformation Pill would be so easy to obtain, and it wasn't just one pill, but a whole ten!

"Who are they?" Ye Wuse took a breath and asked the unanswered question.

With the same question, everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

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