My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3611 3611 Is protecting one’s shortcomings one’s betrayal?

"Stop!" At this moment, an old figure fell from the sky.

The sound of deep shouts reached their ears, and everyone's hearts trembled. A powerful pressure shrouded his head, and even the holy energy was stagnant.

"Master!" Pei Yichou stopped.

"Your Majesty!" Qi Zongwang exclaimed and bowed in salute.

"Junior Fu Guanyun, I have met Mr. Aotian Junshi." Fu Guanyun also stopped and saluted uneasily.

The old man in front of him is none other than Chang Aotian, one of the six great envoys of the Xuanji Domain, Aotian Envoy.

Gu Fenghua and others also stopped and looked at Chang Aotian in surprise.

"What are you doing? Do you really think that I, Chang Aotian, don't exist?" Chang Aotian stood in the sky, looked at the people below, and shouted angrily.

In the night sky, he could be seen with his beard and hair spread out, and his black holy robes rustled in the mountain wind, bringing endless pressure to people.

"Master Chang, there is some misunderstanding about this matter. Please allow me to explain slowly." Fu Guanyun's back was instantly soaked with cold sweat, and he said to Chang Aotian with a look of fear.

Over the years, because he offended Chang Ao's disciples or sects, he has single-handedly destroyed eight or not ten sects, including one from the Tianyun Sword Sect. If Mo Qingqiu was here, there would still be some room for change in what happened today, but now that Mo Qingqiu is gone, if Chang Aozhen wants to take action in anger, who among the people present can stop him?

Some of the other envoys arrived at Chengyun Valley in advance, but who would help at this time? I'm afraid I just want to see them suffer misfortune. Besides, Chang Aotian's reputation as a protector of shortcomings has long been spread throughout the Xuanji Territory, so who is willing to offend him for outsiders?

"Explanation? Gu Fenghua and others seriously injured the leader of the Sword Cauldron Sect. It is clear that they do not take my master seriously. What else can be explained." After Fu Guanyun finished speaking, Pei Yichou asked angrily.

Fu Guanyun gave a helpless smile. If it were another envoy and the leader of the Holy Sect was seriously injured, no matter how angry or shameless he was, he would still ask what was right and wrong and give others a chance to explain. But the problem is that this time it is Chang Aotian who has been offended. If he is willing to ask right from wrong and listen to explanations, he will no longer have the reputation of protecting his shortcomings.

Alas, we are in trouble this time. Facing a strong man like Chang Aotian, let alone taking action, we might not even have a chance to escape. What should we do?

"Shut up, I'm talking about you!" Just when Fu Guanyun was filled with sadness and on the verge of crying, Chang Aotian suddenly spoke and cursed Pei Yiqiu.

Fu Guanyun was stunned, Pei Yiqiu was stunned, Qi Zongwang and all the Jianding Sect disciples were also stunned.

"Master, it was Gu Fenghua who seriously injured Sect Leader Qi - Sect Leader Qi of Sword and Cauldron Sect." Pei Yiqiu was so dizzy after being scolded that he thought his master didn't hear what he was saying clearly, so he repeated it again.

"Nonsense, do you think I'm deaf? I don't know that it was Gu Fenghua who seriously injured Qi Zongwang!" Chang Aotian glared at his disciple and then cursed, "For no reason, why did others hurt him? He must have done something to mourn him. You only do your best to end up like this. You don't distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, and help the tyrants to do evil and harm, do you still care about me as your master?"

Uh... Pei Yiqiu stared at Chang Aotian in stunned silence.

What does it mean that other people hurt him for no reason? There are so many people doing evil in this world, how can there be so many reasons?

Besides, how do you know that Qi Zongwang did something so unconscionable that he ended up like this? This is clearly just pouring dirty water on Qi Zongwang's head.

Please, Master, aren’t you the most protective of others? To protect one's own shortcomings, of course, it is to protect one's own shortcomings. How can there be any reason to turn your elbows outward to protect outsiders?

He also said that I do not distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad. You have stood up for your subordinates in the past. When did you tell the difference between right and wrong, good and bad?

Dizzy, Pei Yiqiu was completely dizzy.

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