My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3636 3636 Dead duck has a tough mouth

"Master Guan, you are wrong to say that. Gu Fenghua is participating in the Chengyun Competition on behalf of Lord Qingqiu this time. If she fails, it will be of no benefit to our three major sword sects at all." Meng Wuhen said dissatisfied.

If Gu Fenghua can win the Chengyun Competition, it will only be good for the three sword sects but not harmful. Even if you Guan Yuanshan loses face, it is because of your own contempt for others. How can you expect Gu Fenghua to do so? What about failure?

"Of course I hope she can win, but that's the fact. At her age, it's not easy to practice such alchemy. How can she have so much energy to devote to practice? How strong can she be? I'm actually worried about her. Ah." Guan Yuanshan also realized that what he said was inappropriate, but he refused to admit his mistake and said stiffly.

"Okay, okay, don't argue anymore. We will know how strong Junior Sister Gu is in a while." Fu Guanyun said to smooth things over.

He actually felt strange, how could Gu Fenghua have such alchemy skills? However, I have seen her take action, especially the terrifying joint sword attack between her and Luo Enen and others, but I have no worries about her strength.

As for how Gu Fenghua, at such a young age, could cultivate to the first level of Emperor Saint and at the same time be able to practice such alchemy skills, he didn't bother to think too much. In the tens of thousands of years of Wuji Shengtian's history, there has never been a shortage of geniuses. Although many of them died unexpectedly due to various reasons, there are some who not only have extraordinary qualifications, but also have great luck. They have overcome all obstacles and reached the end, thus becoming famous all over the world. , became a legend of a generation. Gu Fenghua may be one of them.

Fu Guanyun attributes all this to luck, which is obviously wrong. If he had known that Gu Fenghua had been practicing the alchemy weapon technique under the strict supervision of several brothers since he barely learned to speak, he probably would not have such thoughts.

After listening to Fu Guanyun's words, Guan Yuanshan was still a little unconvinced, but he stopped arguing with Meng Wuhen and walked towards the competition platform with a straight face.

In front of and on the left and right sides of the tall and towering competition platform, a famous sect disciple sat cross-legged, and in front of them were the sect leaders or elders of each sect. Although only the Holy Sect was invited to watch the battle this time, and each sect only had a dozen or twenty disciples, but with the addition of Qin Xiude and others who had just arrived to join in the fun, the number of people reached hundreds.

Moreover, these people are all strong men from various sects, or elite disciples of the younger generation. They are not weak in strength, and they are quite impressive when they are together.

Behind the competition platform, a high platform was also built, which looked unusually majestic and solemn. It was a seat prepared for all the envoys.

"Buzz..." The third long chime of the ancient bell rang, echoing endlessly in the mountains. The noisy crowd quickly quieted down, and an old man with silver hair like snow and a slender figure slowly walked onto the competition stage.

"Welcome to Chengyun Valley, I am the Supreme Elder of Tianyun Sword Sect, Lu Wenfu." The old man cleared his throat and said loudly. Although his face was extremely old, his voice was full of vitality.

"Junior has met Senior Lu, met Senior Lu." Everyone in the audience bowed and saluted at the same time, even the sect leaders of each sect were no exception.

Although Lu Wenfu is the supreme elder of Tianyun Sword Sect, his seniority is one generation higher than that of the other two sects’ supreme elders. He may be more than one generation higher than the elders of the sects present. Everyone calls him “senior” , and of course.

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