"Don't underestimate Wei Po Di. I heard that his real strength is not as simple as a first-grade Emperor Saint. Otherwise, Lord Xuan Xin would not have accepted him as a registered disciple. Let's take a closer look at his methods later. You guys You should also learn more from me." Seeing his contempt for Wei Po Di, the sect leader reminded him again.

"Yes, disciple understands." The young man finally woke up. Although Wei Podi was just a disciple of the Holy Sect like him, he must be superior to others if he was hit first by Xuantianjun. It was not something he could do. Look down on.

No matter Shen Yuxuan's qualifications or opportunities, they couldn't compare with them, and they couldn't envy him. Disciples of the Holy Sect like Wei Podi were the ones they were chasing. If they want to embark on the path of true strength, Wei Po Di will be their future opponent.

Soon, Ling Xuanxin came to the high platform and sat down, while Shen Yuxuan, Wei Podi and others stood respectfully behind him.

Next, another old man led several disciples to the high platform. This time, it was Lord Lihen who made Qiu Lihen, followed closely by Lord Wuchang, who made Sikong Wuchang, and then, Lord Aotian made Chang Chang Aotian.

"This is Qiu Lihen, the envoy of Lord Lihen. The young man behind him is his direct disciple Xing Zifeng, a strong man of the third rank of Emperor Saint. The one behind him is the registered disciple Leng Feiyu, a strong man of the first rank of Emperor Saint..."

"It turns out that he is Xing Zifeng. I know him. I heard that three disciples of the Holy Sect once went out to travel and accidentally offended him. Then they started fighting. Even if the three of them joined forces, they couldn't defeat him, and they were destroyed by him. .”

"This is Sikong Wuchang, the envoy of Lord Wuchang, followed by his personal disciple Ke Shengjie..."

"This is Chang Aotian, the envoy of Lord Aotian, and the one behind him is his direct disciple Pei Yichou..."

"Pei Yichou, he is Pei Yichou!"

The heads of each sect introduced the identities of the envoys and disciples, and exclamations of surprise could be heard from time to time in the crowd.

Although not all of these young disciples can recognize Jun Envoy, they have never heard of their names. And those who are lucky enough to be favored by Jun Envoy and accepted as his direct disciples are all among them and have already become famous. Of course they have been famous all over the world for a long time. However, these people usually see the beginning but not the end of the dragon. This is the first time for many of them to see a real person, and it is inevitable that their hearts will be filled with excitement.

As the envoys Xuanxin, Lihen, Wuchang and Aotian stepped onto the high platform, another old man with a cold face appeared in sight. His gaze swept over the people in the audience, as if two invisible long knives were slashing at him. In an instant, everyone who was originally excited felt a chill in their hearts, and the noisy crowd suddenly became quiet.

"This senior is Lord Qingqiu's envoy Mo Qingqiu?" A young disciple asked in a low voice.

There are six envoys in Xuanji Domain, but one of them, Chengyun Envoy, has been missing for many years, otherwise there would not be today’s Chengyun Competition. Now four of the remaining five envoys have appeared, and finally This person should naturally be Mo Qingqiu, the envoy of Lord Qingqiu.

But according to rumors, Mo Qingqiu is calm and has the best temper among the six envoys. How could he have such an intimidating momentum?

"The Envoy of the Heaven-Slaying Lord, he is Nie Shitian, the Envoy of the Heaven-Slaying Lord of the Spiritual Realm!" The sect leader in front also showed doubts. He looked at the old man carefully, suddenly thought of something, his face suddenly changed, and he lowered his voice and said.

"The six great princes of the Spiritual Realm are ruthless by nature, and Nie Shitian is the most ruthless among them. This cloud-riding competition may be a bit dangerous." Other sect leaders also recognized Nie Shitian's face. His identity and expression became solemn.

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