My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3654 3654 Time seems to have stopped

But Ning Huaihen, who was shrouded in the rain of thousands of swords, remained motionless, holding the hilt of the sword tightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

What's going on? Could it be that I can't think of a way to crack it, don't know how to deal with it, or I'm simply scared out of my mind?

Luo Enen suddenly felt that maybe she shouldn't think about how long Shen Yuxuan could hold on at all, but should think about how long Ning Huaihen could hold on, right?

But why did Brother Ye say that Shen Yuxuan would definitely lose?

"Yes, Shen Yuxuan will definitely lose." What she couldn't understand the most was that Gu Fenghua stared at Shen Yuxuan and Ning Huaihen and actually said the same thing.

"Feng Hua, you said the same, but how is it possible? Shen Yuxuan clearly still has the upper hand..." Luo Enen didn't like to use her brain. At this time, she couldn't figure it out no matter how much she thought about it. Instead, she became irritable and couldn't help but think about it more and more. Asked.

"Choke..." At this moment, Ning Huaihen drew his sword.

The dragon roars and frost is everywhere!

Fast, too fast. The cold light of the sword was like lightning in a storm, instantly splitting through the darkness and splitting through the thick rain curtain. Everything in the way seemed to be destroyed by this lightning.

A strong murderous intention permeated the whole place, and the throbbing of death also appeared in everyone's heart, gripping their hearts tightly.

This sword is so violent and cruel.

Gu Fenghua's eyes sharpened, as if he had returned to a certain moment in the past and saw that ferocious and ruthless face again. Her hand subconsciously grasped the hilt of the sword.

In just the blink of an eye, or even less than the blink of an eye, the sword light broke through thousands of sword rains and struck Shen Yuxuan's chest.

Shen Yuxuan groaned and staggered back. His face had long lost its previous calmness and was filled with horror.

One step, two steps, three steps... Every time he takes a step back, a bunch of blood flowers are sprinkled on the ground in front of him. After retreating for more than ten steps, he finally stopped, and his face turned pale.

With a clang, the long sword fell to the ground. He covered his chest with his hands and slowly fell to the ground. Blood gurgled from between his fingers. He was obviously seriously injured.

Opposite him, Ning Huaihen stood proudly, glanced at him with disdain, suddenly turned around, and struck Wei Po Di with his sword again.

Wei Podi never expected that Shen Yuxuan's Xuanxin Sword Rain, which had reached the fourth level of cultivation, could be broken so easily by Ning Huaihen's sword, nor did he expect that he would be defeated so quickly and completely defenseless.

By the time he heard the whistle of the sword and reacted, it was already too late, and he could only watch the murderous sword fall mercilessly towards him. Fortunately, he still had a demon pet. At the critical moment, the silver-winged dragon python suddenly broke away from the battle circle, flapped its wings, and rushed toward Ning Huaihen like a silver horse.

The savior was eager, and the speed it erupted at this time was actually a few minutes faster than before. Not to mention the few people on the field, even everyone in the audience couldn't see its trajectory clearly.

However, Ning Huaihen's eyes were still so cold and calm. With a slight twist of his wrist, the direction of the sword light changed.

"Hiss..." The Yin Lian, who was so fast that it was difficult for the human eye to catch, suddenly paused and froze in mid-air as if someone had cast a body-holding technique.

Time seemed to have stopped at this moment.

Everyone could clearly see that Ning Huaihen's sword was slashing seven inches below the silver-winged dragon python. It was just a little short of hitting the vital point. However, although the silver-winged spirit python was lucky enough to avoid the critical point, the fine scales as hard as fine steel were still cut open by this sword, and a piece of blood mist sprayed out.

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