My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3666 3666 Completely unexpected tactics

"Zongzhu Fu, how can you say that? What if they..." Guan Yuanshan said anxiously. What if Shi Yingyan and others were obsessed with Gu Fenghua's idea, wouldn't that mean someone was going to die? And this disciple who died was probably his disciple Shang Kangran.

"Sect Master Guan, there is no need to say anything. Let them make their own decisions." Fu Guanyun waved his hand and said. He finally made the decision, but he didn't want to get entangled again because of Guan Yuanshan's words.

"In the third competition, Lord Chengyun sent his disciples Shi Yingyan, Shang Kangran, Zhou Hong, and Qi Yutang to Lord Wuchang, who sent his disciples Ke Shengjie, Yan Ningyu, Chen You, and Wu Zi'ang." At this time, Shi Yingyan and others were seen. After taking the stage for a long time, Lu Wenfu spoke loudly again, urging them politely.

Shi Yingyan and the other four disciples did not dare to delay, bowed and walked towards the stage.

At this time, Guan Yuanshan could not persuade him any more. Looking at the backs of Shi Yingyan and others walking away quickly, he was so anxious that he wanted to jump.

"If they really listen to your idea and someone has an accident, I'll see how you explain it then!" Then he glared at Gu Fenghua and returned to his seat with a look of resentment.

Gu Fenghua was too lazy to pay attention to him and returned to his Luo Enen and others.

If Shi Yingyan and others are willing to listen to her, they are at least 80% sure of winning this battle. If they are unwilling to listen, then she has no choice.

As Shi Yingyan and others walked, they gathered their energy to communicate and started discussing quickly.

Qi Yutang and Zhou Hong are still a little weaker. They actually don't have much say in such an important matter. As long as one of them is not allowed to fight against Ke Shengjie and Yan Ningyu alone, to be more precise, Just don't let them die. This matter was mainly decided by Shi Yingyan and Shang Kangran.

Shi Yingyan and Shang Kangran obviously had some differences. They discussed with Qi Qi Yuan Yuan, their necks were almost thick, but in the end they made a decision. When they walked onto the stage, they nodded to each other, their expressions became firmer, and their determination became a bit stronger.

"Everyone is ready, I announce that the competition has begun!" Lu Wenfu had been impatient for a long time. As soon as they came on stage, he announced loudly.

After all, this is a competition between Xuanji Realm's own disciples. No matter who wins, it will represent Xuanji Realm entering the next round. Everyone in the audience is full of expectations and shouts enthusiastically.

"Choke..." The sword chanted, eight long swords were unsheathed, and both sides took action almost simultaneously.

However, the shouts below suddenly stopped, and everyone looked shocked!

As soon as the competition began, Shi Yingyan, Shang Kangran, Zhou Hong, and Qi Yutang took the lead in launching the attack.

Of course, this is also expected by everyone. Shi Yingyan and others are not as strong as their opponents. If they cannot find a way to seize the opportunity, they may not even have many opportunities to take action.

However, their attack method was beyond everyone's expectations: Shi Yingyan and Zhou Hong teamed up to attack Wu Ziang, Qi Yutang faced Chen You, but Shang Kangran faced Ke Shengjie and Yan Ningyu alone!

What are they trying to do? Shi Yingyan and others acted first, which was expected by everyone, but this tactic was beyond everyone's expectations.

In the eyes of everyone, the strength gap between the two sides in this competition is huge, and Shi Yingyan and others have no chance of winning. The most and only thing they should do is to show their strongest strength as much as possible for themselves and others. Earn due respect for the three major sword sects.

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