My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3692 3692 Stop being so cute, okay?

"I said, you are not a graceful little black bear. Others don't know who you are. Can I not know who you are? Can you please stop imitating your cuteness?" Even though we were in the thick darkness of night, Ye Yunji's forehead remained the same. A few deep black lines were exposed, and he said helplessly.

Others are just monsters who have just entered their growth stage. They are really naive and don't care if they act cute. You are an ancient demon dragon. Do you really not find it disgusting to follow others to act cute?

"Isn't this equivalent to my Nirvana rebirth? Since I am reborn, I have grown up again. What's wrong with being cute?" Motian said with a face, correcting Ye Yunji's mistake by the way, "Also, then It’s not a little black bear, it’s an iron-eating beast, which is what they call a panda.”

While talking, it chased its tail in circles, looking even more interesting and cute.

"Yeah, yeah, I understand, don't think about it yet. There is one thing that you need to do, and only you can do it." Unfortunately, Ye Yunji didn't find it interesting at all, let alone cute, so he wiped the With cold sweat on his forehead, he said seriously.

"I know, you know, don't you just want me to deal with those two guys? Oh, I'm really miserable. Why are you left to me to do such unlucky things? This time, my cultivation will be greatly damaged. I don't know when I can I've recovered." After hearing this, the little black dog stopped spinning and sat down on the ground, saying with a sad look on his face.

It looked pitiful, as if someone had robbed it of its flesh and bones - well, it actually just grew into the shape of a little black dog, and it didn't have much interest in the flesh and bones.

"No, you don't have to do that. In this competition, I hope Fenghua can win with her own strength. Only in this way can she grow faster and stronger!" Ye Yunji shook her head and said.

"Then what do you want me to do?" the little black dog breathed a sigh of relief and stuck out his tongue.

"Although I don't want to interfere in Fenghua's competition, my opponent is not weak, and I don't want anything to happen to her. Therefore, I need you to stay with them to prevent accidents." Ye Yunji looked at the thick night. He said, and then added, "However, you must not take action unless it is absolutely necessary."

"That's it, can't I stay with her?" the little black dog said, tilting his head.

"It's not a big problem to hide the innate magical power of your Demonic Dragon clan from others, but can you hide it from Fenghua?" Ye Yunji said angrily.

"Oh, I forgot about the Phoenix Power in her body." The little black dog's eyes showed a very anthropomorphic look of surprise.

To put it bluntly, no matter how strong Gu Fenghua's spiritual will is, it cannot be stronger than Jun Shi. Since he is confident that he can hide it from a strong person like Jun Shi, he can naturally hide it from Gu Fenghua. But the reason why Gu Fenghua’s spiritual thoughts are powerful is because they come from the power of the Phoenix. The Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan were both the two most powerful races of divine beasts in ancient times. They are more sensitive to each other’s aura. Its Demonic Dragon Clan’s It's okay to hide your talent from others, but it's really not easy to hide it from Gu Fenghua.

"Okay, let's go." Ye Yunji said.

"Well, I hope there won't be a chance for me to take action, otherwise I don't know when it will take me to turn back to my true self. Alas, actually this is not bad, but even trying to be cute doesn't attract people, it's boring." Xiao Hei The dog chattered.

The dark figure emerged with a crystal brilliance, gradually becoming illusory and blending into the night.

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