My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3701 3701 The girls are heartbroken

"Bang!" A thin needle exploded like thunder from the blood-winged magic bat.

It is really hard to imagine how such a thin needle could make such a muffled sound. So what kind of power does it contain?

The answer is obvious. As that acupuncture exploded, other acupuncture also exploded violently one after another like firecrackers with fuses ignited.

"Bang bang bang bang..." Explosions sounded one after another. In just a moment, the blood-winged magic bat's fleshy wings were blown to pieces, and blood holes were exposed on its body. It looked disgusting. , and it makes people even more disgusting.

Tragic, really tragic! Seeing the blood-winged magic bat that was riddled with wounds and bruises, everyone couldn't help but feel a little pity in their hearts. After all, this is the nine beasts whose peak ninth level is close to the tenth level. They were blown up like this by a demon plant without any power to fight back. Is there anything worse than this in the world?

If time and place changed, it would be difficult to find the answer to this question, but now, it is not difficult to find the answer.

At the same time that Jianjian appeared, a blood-winged magic bat next to him also noticed the subtle energy fluctuations when the demon pet's space was opened. He was about to take action, but just as he moved, a blood-winged magic bat appeared in black and white, looking cute and naive. A cute and adorable little bear cub stood in front of it - well, the reason why they thought it was silly, cute and adorable was actually because everyone hadn't realized its true identity yet.

But don't worry, they will find out soon.

Suddenly being blocked in front of him, the blood-winged magic bat instinctively grabbed it with one claw. Its strength is not inferior to that of its companions. The sharp claws are still like a blue lightning, which is too fast to be caught by the naked eye.

In the audience, dozens of girls covered their mouths at the same time. The little bear cub successfully captured their hearts with its plump and cute appearance. No one would think that its plump figure could dodge such a claw as fast as lightning. A layer of water suddenly appeared in the eyes of many girls, and their hearts were almost broken.

Their worries, their heartbreak, are of course unnecessary.

At the last moment, the little bear cub stumbled and dodged the fatal claw of the blood-winged magic bat. Its movements are so clumsy, as if it were drunk, but yet so clever.

In the audience, the tearful girls were stunned at the same time. They didn't expect or understand how they could have such ingenious movements even though they were so fat.

The blood-winged magic bat missed the attack, and was also startled. However, he quickly recovered, turned his upper body, and grabbed it again with his claws.

This time, the little bear cub didn't give it any chance. He opened his mouth and bit the sharp claw.

Immediately afterwards, a shocking scene happened. I saw its big mouth opening and closing, and there was a crisp sound of "click, click, click". In just a moment, the sharp claws that seemed to be made of fine steel were bitten by it. Broken off, only the bare little soles remain.

In the audience, the girls with overflowing maternal instincts were dumbfounded, and so were the blood-winged magic bats.

After a while, it came back to its senses and waved another sharp claw to catch the little bear cub, which was smacking its lips and obviously still unfinished.

"Ding!" With a clear sound, the little bear cub opened his mouth and bit the sharp claw again.

It is worthy of being a peak ninth-level monster. The sharp claws of the blood-winged magic bat were actually made by swallowing fine gold and mithril. It was condensed in the body with the magical power of the monster beast and the power of the demon spirit. It is the same as that of human weapon refiners. The holy sword weapon refined with painstaking efforts has the same effect but the texture is even more pure. It has not tasted such delicious food for a long time.

The little bear cub looked at the sharp claw with fondness, just like gazing lovingly at a lover whose first heartbeat - oh no, it was a love bear, and then bit down hard without mercy.

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