My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3714 3714 We can still fight!

However, just when several people were about to fly out of the competition stage, they suddenly forcibly raised their holy energy and fell heavily.

"Crack!" Several people finally stayed on the edge of the competition platform. When Qi Yutang landed, there was a crisp sound from the weakest Qi Yutang, and his body visibly tilted, and his leg bones were actually broken.

"Pfft!" The four people spit out a mouthful of blood at the same time, and a layer of cold sweat instantly appeared on their pale faces.

If they flew out of the competition stage, they could still neutralize the tyrannical sword power. However, if they were forced to stay in the competition stage, the extremely sharp sword energy would go straight into the body. In a short period of time, the internal organs would be displaced and the energy and blood would be reversed. This was all experienced by the body. seriously injured.

Could it be that they still refuse to give up! Seeing the actions of several people, everyone in the audience looked surprised.

Their guess was not wrong. Just one sword was not enough to cause too much damage to Jiuzhou. How could Shi Yingyan and others be willing to give up.

Barely able to steady themselves, several people looked at each other, then roared and took the initiative to attack Zhan Jiuzhou.

Although they were seriously injured, their sword power was still so indomitable and without regrets.

"Are you really desperate for your life?" Zhan Jiuzhou's face was slightly distorted.

He conserved his strength with the last sword and showed mercy to a few people, but they refused to appreciate it and even took the initiative to fight back.

Crazy, these guys are totally crazy. There was such a roar in his heart.

Although Shi Yingyan and others were seriously injured, they still sacrificed their lives at this time, which was still something people dare not look down upon. Zhan Jiuzhou was furious, but he could only raise his sword again and attack a few people.

The sword lights connected, and there was another loud noise. Shi Yingyan and others flew out again, but at the edge of the competition platform, several people forcibly fell down again, and then turned around and attacked again without stopping.

"Die, die!" Zhan Jiuzhou let out a crazy roar.

One sword, two swords, three swords!

Three swords came out in succession, like surging waves, rushing towards Shi Yingyan and the others.

Shi Yingyan and others' faces were as dark as water, and they also slashed out with sword after sword. In the middle of the competition platform, there was a thunderous muffled sound. Every time there was a muffled thunder, several people's whole bodies would shake violently, they would spit out a mouthful of blood, and then take a few steps back.

After the three sword strikes, the competition stage was filled with air waves, leaving patches of bright red blood on the ground.

The four of them, Shi Yingyan, fell on the edge of the competition platform, their holy robes all dyed bright red, and even the ground beneath them was dyed a large area red.

Zhan Jiuzhou's strength is indeed too strong. Even if they deliberately conserve their strength, they cannot compete with it. After these three sword strikes, not only were their internal organs ruptured, but all the meridians in their bodies were ruptured. The blood gathered under the body, like a stream, flowing towards the audience. There was a soft ticking sound, which made people's hearts tremble.

"You don't know what you can do!" Zhan Jiuzhou glanced at several people and snorted contemptuously.

I have to say that the high fighting spirit and desperate determination of Shi Yingyan and others are indeed amazing. Not to mention other disciples of the Holy Sect, even the personal disciples of the emperors and envoys may not be able to compare with them. . However, their strength is still a little too weak in comparison. If they weren't always worried about tomorrow's competition and deliberately conserved their strength, these few swords just now would have been enough to kill them.

In fact, even now, it is not difficult for him to kill several people. However, after taking a closer look inside, he gave up the idea.

Although he has been conserving his strength, those few swords just now still consumed a lot of holy energy. If it were replaced by another fifth-grade Emperor Saint, even a fourth-grade or third-grade Emperor Saint, such a loss would be nothing, but he is different. The damage caused to his Holy Spirit root by the transformation of the Soul Pearl into a soul was more serious than outsiders imagined. Without three to five days, the Holy Qi that had been consumed just now would not be able to recover at all.

Anyway, Nakatoki Hidehiko and others have no power to fight anymore, so why should he waste his holy energy? Gu Fenghua is his real opponent. Everything he does now must be planned for tomorrow's competition.

With a long sigh of relief, Zhan Jiuzhou slowly put away his sword.

Seeing this, everyone in the audience also breathed a sigh of relief. They were really worried that Zhan Jiuzhou had a grudge against Shi Yingyan and the others and would take this opportunity to kill them.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen also relaxed. Regardless of whether Shi Yingyan and others fought desperately today for the sake of the sect or for themselves, they did not want to see tragedy happen.

"In this competition, I declare..." Lu Wenfu was afraid that Zhan Jiuzhou would change his mind, so he immediately said loudly when he saw Zhan Jiuzhou sheathing his sword.

The performance of Shi Yingyan and others also surprised and pleased him, but he didn't want them to have any shortcomings.

"Wait!" At this moment, Shi Yingyan's voice sounded.

Everyone looked at him in surprise, only to see him leaning on the ground with his sword, bit by bit, struggling to prop up his body, and stood up unsteadily.

Next to him, Shang Kangran also stood up unsteadily.

Next to him, Zhou Hong also stood up unsteadily.

Qi Yutang was the last one to stand up. Although he was seriously injured and had a broken leg, his expression was still so calm and determined.

They stood firm, but their whole bodies were trembling constantly, and blood was constantly pouring out of their mouths, but the figure remained straight, like an unyielding spear.

"Yingyan, you, you..." Lu Wenfu looked at them in surprise and wanted to dissuade him, but when he saw the perseverance in their eyes and felt their unyielding fighting spirit, he didn't know how to speak.

"Stop competing, let's stop." A girl in the audience covered her mouth and looked at this scene in disbelief, with tears in her eyes.

"You are no match for him, so what's the point of persisting? Just stop." A young man also advised in a trembling voice.

"You have proven your strength. Even if there is no Chengyun Valley, thousands of saint masters in our Xuanji Domain will be proud of you. Let's stop." Someone else said with admiration on his face and choked with sobs.

In the seats on the high platform, Fu Guanyun and others pursed their lips and said nothing. Gu Fenghua and others clenched their fists tightly, their eyes moist.

They also saw the unyielding fighting spirit in the eyes of Shi Yingyan and others, and for a moment, they seemed to see themselves in them. They know that as long as they can still stand up, they will never give up!

"We can still fight!" Shi Yingyan said word by word.

As soon as the words fell, the four of them rushed towards Zhan Jiuzhou again.

The sky-shaking shouts finally sounded, like a tragic war song, and everyone's blood was completely ignited at this moment!

The four sword lights, carrying that indomitable momentum, slashed towards Zhan Jiuzhou.

Zhan Jiuzhou's face turned dark, his expression became extremely ugly, and the corners of his mouth even twitched slightly.

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