My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3827 3827 Feeling something is wrong

Thinking about it, Mo Qingqiu's actions in an open and upright manner, even with the help of the three powerful sword sects, could not completely break the barrier, let alone his secret actions?

He had no choice but to return to Qingyun Peak and continue waiting. Huangtian paid off, and he finally got his wish and got the opportunity again. The envoy of Chengyun has not returned for a thousand years, and other envoys hold a Chengyun Competition according to the rules. No matter who wins in the end, they will do their best to break the barrier. That was the God-given opportunity for him to take action.

Originally, he had thought about sending his disciples to participate in the Chengyun Competition. If he won, wouldn't it be better to do it openly and honestly? But there is no way. Among his direct disciples, Duan Yixing is the only one left who has not left as a disciple. But with his little strength, participating in the Chengyun Competition is simply bringing humiliation to oneself, or even death.

In desperation, Duan Qingyun could only sneak into the Chengyun Mountains alone and wait for the day when the Chengyun Competition ends and the winner breaks through the barrier.

This time, he was not disappointed. Although he didn't know who would win in the end, the other party couldn't wait to break the barrier just as he expected. And just as he expected, except for the barrier at the entrance of the valley, several other weak points in the barrier were also broken. Each one is damaged.

With Duan Qingyun's strength, it is not easy to break through the barrier Chengyun Jun made with the help of heaven and earth formations, but it is not difficult to tear through this already damaged weak point.

After waiting for thousands of years, Duan Qingyun could not be overjoyed now that he was finally done.

No, no, it’s not a great achievement now. Only when you find the rare treasure hidden in Chengyun Valley can you truly achieve great success! Duan Qingyun tried his best to suppress the ecstasy in his heart and flew in through the crack in the barrier.

Behind him, the crack quickly closed again. Although it was impossible to repair it on its own so quickly, there was nothing strange about it anymore.

"Finally found it. I must have read it correctly this time. It is the glazed jade flower." Luo Enen breathed out and said to Gu Fenghua and others.

In front of me, a small flower stood half a foot above the ground, without leaves, stems or roots. The flower has seven petals, each petal is only the size of a fingertip, but it is extremely colorful and gorgeous, as if it was crafted by the most skilled glass craftsmen.

Even if you are several feet away, you can feel the solid, abundant and pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Close your eyes and feel it carefully, as if your body and mind are immersed in the clearest spring water in the world, but it is so warm. This feeling is so similar to when I immersed myself in the Seven Star Spirit Pond.

"Well, there should be nothing wrong." Gu Fenghua and others said in unison. Apart from the glazed jade virtual flower mentioned by Mu Qinghan, they really couldn't imagine that there were other heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the world that had such pure, solid and abundant spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

However, after finally finding the glazed jade flower, Gu Fenghua and others were not too excited, but looked a little solemn as they shouldn't have been.

Not far away, a monster beast fell to the ground, lifeless.

This demonic beast has a pointed head and a long tail, and is only two feet long. It has an unattractive appearance. A faint green light appears in its eyes that have long since lost all life. If you look closely, you will see that a pair of small claws are also shining with the same faint green. light.

This is called the Blue Eyed Poison Meerkat. Despite its simple name and ordinary appearance, it is actually a ninth-level monster. Not only are they extremely aggressive, but they are also extremely fast. What is even more frightening is that the blue-eyed mongoose feeds on venomous snakes and insects, and its claws and claws contain highly toxic substances. Even a strong person in the realm of Emperor Sage, let alone a Heavenly Sage or a Mysterious Sage, will be seriously injured if they are injured by its minions, and their internal strength will drop significantly in a short period of time.

Fortunately, Gu Fenghua and others had encountered the red-blooded dragon-horned python before, so they were not too excited when they discovered this glazed jade flower, and remained vigilant. Otherwise, when this green-eyed poisonous mongoose suddenly appeared, they would probably be killed. It caught him off guard.

According to Mu Qinghan, there should not be any traces of monsters in Chengyun Valley, but in addition to the red-blooded dragon-horned python, now there is a green-eyed poisonous mongoose, and it is also a ninth-level monster. If it is an exception, then there are too many such exceptions, right? If there are too many, naturally it can no longer be called an exception.

Not only Gu Fenghua, but also the always carefree Luo Enen felt that something was wrong. He stared at the green-eyed poisonous meerkat on the ground that was getting colder and said in confusion, "That's strange, why did another one appear?"

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