The first round of the test is about to begin, and everyone is excited.

Jing Lichen also looked excited, but it was not because of the upcoming test, but because of the newly born innate Holy Spirit root. Even though it was just a bud, not even a seedling, he could still clearly feel the wonderful power of the Holy Source within it.

Could it be that he just took a holy pill and condensed a second innate holy spirit root? How is this possible? As far as he knew, only those legendary strong men could condense the second innate Holy Spirit root. He had never dared to dream that such a legendary good thing would happen to him before.

An illusion, it must be an illusion! Looking inside, Jing Lichen could hardly believe everything he "saw" and felt.

"The restriction has been opened, and the first round of tests has begun." Before Jing Lichen could recover from the shock, Yu Zifei stood up with the help of his fellow disciples and said with a tired look.

Everyone stood still. Even though it was just their first meeting, they had learned many times about his habit of breathing heavily when speaking, and they remained unchanged in response to all changes, waiting for him to finish his words.

But this time, after Yu Zifei said this, there was no follow-up for a long time.

"The test can begin." A fellow disciple next to Yu Zifei repeated again.

Hey, this guy actually stopped breathing this time! Everyone looked surprised.

In fact, Yu Zifei wanted to breathe a few more words, but he was too tired and had no energy left.

After hearing his words, everyone swarmed forward. He quickly came to the star-catching ladder, and everyone looked forward, but no one took the first step.

At this time, the Star Reaching Stairway no longer had any restricted energy and seemed unusually calm. However, everyone knew that this stone stairway was not that simple, and there must be great danger hidden on it.

Opportunity, only once! Those who have the courage to come here must be more or less powerful and famous. If they fail, even if the Star Observation City is opened and given another chance, they will be embarrassed to come again. Therefore, it is better to let others try the depth first and see how it goes.

"Senior Brother Wen, why don't we come first?" said a junior brother next to Wen Yunhou.

After all, they came from the Spiritual Realm and had experienced more experiences, even the test of life and death. Their courage was still stronger than that of the Saint Masters from the other two realms, and they were not completely demoralized by Gu Fenghua's two slaps. Besides, they are people from the Spirit Realm anyway, so even if they fail, they won't be too embarrassed, so they don't have so many worries.

"Don't worry, let's take a look before we talk." Wen Yunhou pondered for a moment, but he was not as impulsive as his junior brother.

Although he can barely be considered a core disciple in Zhan Xin Sect, don’t ignore the word barely. His status in the sect is still far behind the real core disciples. This time he came to Guan Xing Sect just to That enshrined position, for the Stargazing Technique, did not want any accidents to occur.

Seeing Wen Yunhou acting so cautiously, without any arrogance like before, everyone around him was a little surprised.

But they didn't know that Wen Yunhou's current cultivation level was certainly related to his aptitude, but it was also related to his character. When it was time to be cautious, he was actually more cautious than these two junior brothers. After all, the stronger you are, the more dangerous your actions will be. Life and death are often on the thin line.

In the eyes of some people, the cultivation level of the second-grade Emperor Saint is considered to be an extremely strong person, but in the eyes of the real strong people, it is not worth mentioning, and one slap can kill several of them. What's more, he was not born with such cultivation. If he didn't have a little caution, he would have died countless times.

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