My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3976 3976 I feel ready to strangle him to death.

After arriving at Star Observation City, she was not "disappointed" by the performance of Yu Zifei's classmates. They were all as arrogant as they were with their nostrils turned upward. Yu Zifei himself was so humble that she was a little surprised. The bad habit of taking a few big breaths and killing people without paying for it is even more disgusting to people, and they even want to strangle him to death.

But what surprised her was that these ordinary people in the city, who obviously had no cultivation, were obviously living in peace and prosperity, and their admiration for Yu Zifei and others was far greater than their fear. They were not living in dire straits as she had previously imagined.

"These people are remnants of ancient times. Tens of thousands of years ago, there was a catastrophe. Their ancestors had nowhere to go and fled into Xingluo Mountain. My ancestor happened to be practicing in Xingluo Mountain. Seeing how pitiful they were, he specially built this The Star Observation City gave them a place to stay. It was precisely because of the layers of protection in the Star Observation City that they survived the disaster. Later, the disaster passed and the world became peaceful, but they were unwilling to leave, so they stayed here from generation to generation. Star Observation City." I don't know if he saw Gu Fenghua's doubts, but Yu Zifei said proudly, and the other Star Observation City disciples also showed the same pride.

It turns out that this stargazing city was specially built by Zhuge Guanxing to protect the people. Looking up at the towering city gradually rising along the terrain, and feeling the mysterious atmosphere of the protective formations, Gu Fenghua was in awe of this peerless strong man who was once as famous as the Eastern Emperor.

Since Zhuge Guanxing has such a compassionate mind, Yu Xuanyang, as his later disciple, must not be too bad in character. Even if the sealing of mountains and cities this time is really related to Qin Haofang, there is probably no evil intention, right? Gu Fenghua thought secretly, which could be considered as a way to comfort himself.

However, she also knew that there were many unscrupulous disciples in the world, let alone disciples and disciples. If she made arrogant judgments about Yu Xuanyang's character because of Zhuge Guanxing, she might make a big mistake, so she still didn't Dare to be careless.

"That's the Xuanxing Terrace. It's the place where my ancestor observed the changes in the stars and refined the formations. I think back then, in order to protect the people from the disaster, my ancestor built the Star Observation City with one person's strength. The formation technique of creation. When it comes to his formation technique, it is really unparalleled in the world. Let alone the ordinary formation master, even the three saints cannot compare with him." Yu Zifei Pointing not far away, he said proudly.

Gu Fenghua and others followed his line of sight and saw an ancient stone platform. This stone platform is about half a foot high and wide. It is actually an ordinary mountain stone. It was knocked into the shape of a platform casually. There is no formation to protect it deliberately. There are traces of wind and rain erosion all over the body, and there is nothing extraordinary about it. .

Of course, this is normal. Zhuge Guanxing's star-gazing formation in the past can be done while standing or sitting. The focus is on the changes in the stars. It has little to do with where he stands or sits. This stone does not need to have Something extraordinary.

But after all, it was of great significance. Gu Fenghua and others looked at the ordinary rock with solemn expressions on their faces.

"By the way, that's Wenxing Pond, which is where my ancestor made swords. Outsiders only know that my ancestor is famous for his cultivation and formation skills, but they don't know that in fact, my ancestor's sword-making skills are also Unparalleled in the world. The so-called weapon masters and weapon kings in later generations can never be compared with my ancestor." Noticing the solemn expressions of everyone, Yu Zifei was even more proud, and pointed into the distance and said.

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