My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 3996 3996 Forgot to finish the sentence again

Hearing his words and seeing the nervous look on his face, Luo Enen and others also became curious. Could it be that Gu Fenghua had guessed wrong this time? Star Machine Technique can really be practiced and does not require any holy elixir. As a supplement. As long as you have the right qualifications and practice honestly, that's all.

"I won't disturb you anymore. You should practice well. Oh, by the way, I will tell you a little secret. You don't need to take Yunxing Pill one at a time. You can save it for a few days and then take a few pills at a time. The effect of the pill will be It is stronger, and the possibility of cultivating the holy energy of the star machine is also greater." Yu Zifei was still counting on Gu Fenghua and others to grow his face again. He didn't want to affect their cultivation, so he said goodbye after a few words and walked to the door. He lowered his voice and reminded a few people.

"Yunxingdan, what do you mean by Yunxingdan?" His words were like a flash of lightning across the night sky, and everyone's eyes lit up. Gu Fenghua reached out fiercely and grabbed Yu Zifei's shoulders.

"Yunxing Dan, don't you know?" Yu Zifei turned his head, looked at Gu Fenghua strangely, and said, "To practice the Star Machine Art, you must use Yunxing Dan as a supplement, otherwise you will never be able to practice it for a lifetime. Even if you have the holy energy of a star machine, don't even think about learning the stargazing technique.

However, Yunxing Dan is extremely precious. I can only receive three of them every month. This time, because of the test, the City Lord has made an exception for you. Everyone can receive one every day, but you must remember my words. You don’t have to take it every day, save a few more for once..."

It turned out to be like this. Gu Fenghua and others finally realized: No wonder they couldn't refine the spiritual energy of heaven and earth into holy energy. It was really what Gu Fenghua said, they needed the help of holy elixir.

This breath lasted for three days, three whole days! Does he know how they racked their brains, thought hard, and were upset during the past three days?

Looking at Yu Zifei who was mysteriously giving instructions to them, Gu Fenghua and others' faces turned dark, with murderous intent in their eyes: strangle him to death, this time he must be strangled to death, then strangle him alive, then strangle him to death, and then strangle him again. Live, then strangle to death...

"Oh, I remember I haven't eaten for several days. I'm so hungry. Senior Sister Gu, you guys are practicing. I'll go back to eat first." Yu Zifei finally noticed the murderous intent in their eyes and suddenly realized, It seemed that he forgot to say something when he left last time. He shivered and said with a wizened smile on his face.

Why don't you starve yourself to death? Gu Fenghua looked at Yu Zifei angrily and almost cursed.

"Where is Yun Xing Dan?" Gu Fenghua tried his best to restrain the thought of strangling him and asked through gritted teeth.

"Yundan Pavilion is located in the northwest corner of Tianxing Courtyard. You can get it with your jade token. By the way, the old man guarding Yundan Pavilion is named Yang Yunkai. He looks a bit strange and has a bad temper. You should be polite to him. Otherwise, he will waste time by dilly-dallying, and you will be the ones who suffer." Yu Zifei answered immediately. Being stared at by Gu Fenghua's almost murderous eyes, he felt guilty and uneasy, and his mind was much brighter than before, so he added a special sentence.

After saying that, he broke free with all his strength and ran away without looking back. He felt deeply ashamed that he had forgotten to tell Gu Fenghua and others such an important matter, and he was too embarrassed to see them again.

"Let's go to Yundan Pavilion." Gu Fenghua glared at Yu Zifei's back with lingering anger, and took the lead in walking in the direction of Yundan Pavilion.

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