My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4006 4006 You are still a little too young!

With this last cry of grief, his head hit the ground hard, his forehead was bright red from the impact, revealing a few traces of blood, and two lines of old tears came out of his eyes. The grief-stricken and angry look made the guards who had gradually calmed down couldn't help but feel sympathy, and their eyes showed anger again. The guard named Yin Mingzhi was even more ashamed.

Of course, they all know very well about Yang Yunkai's past. They know that although he has good qualifications, he has been discriminated against and even humiliated because he was born short and ugly, so they try not to touch his injuries in daily interactions. Now, a few outsiders, relying on their qualifications, wantonly humiliated him, and even ridiculed the Guanxing lineage. If we can't teach them a lesson, who will take their Stargazing City seriously in the future!

"Bold, bold, how dare you bully our Star Observation City, and dare to do this to the direct disciples of the Star Observation lineage, take them down!" Noticing the change in everyone's expressions, An Zize showed an imperceptible sneer in his eyes. , shouted sharply.

Yang Yunkai lowered his head to wipe his tears, and the corners of his mouth turned up in a cold arc: If you want to fight with me, Yang Yunkai, you are a little too young!

This time, the guards no longer hesitated. They all held sword hilts in their hands and quickly rushed towards Gu Fenghua and others. Although the swords were not unsheathed, the strong anger and murderous intent had completely enveloped them. Obviously, as long as someone dared to resist, they would not hesitate to draw their swords and hurt them.

In fact, this is also in Tianxing Garden, that is, the city lord has given the order first, and they would have taken action if it were to be elsewhere.

Seeing this, Luo Enen and others moved their feet, stood back to back, and pressed their hands on the hilts of their swords again in preparation for taking action.

I thought that Gu Fenghua would argue with reason. These guards didn't seem to be completely unreasonable (they didn't know that these guards were only reasonable in Star Observation City and were not so easy to talk to in other places). Yang Yunkai was not so easy to talk to. Dirty water was poured on them, but they did not expect that Yang Yunkai would be so despicable and shameless, kowtowing and crying bitterly, which was simply more ruthless than Miss Luo's method of crying, making trouble and hanging herself.

With this cruel trick, he successfully aroused the common hatred among the guards. Looking at it like this, it's obvious that no one will talk to them anymore.

Gu Fenghua glanced at An Zize thoughtfully. It was understandable that the other guards were deceived by Yang Yunkai's despicable methods. After all, they were used to being arrogant and arrogant, so they probably didn't have the habit of reasoning with others, but An Zize, as a Senior brother, judging from the situation, he is the leader of all the guards. It is estimated that the entire Tianxing Garden is guarded by him. How could he be so reckless with such a heavy responsibility?

Could it be that what happened today actually had something to do with him? But if he had no grudge against him, why would he condone or even instigate Yang Yunkai to slander and frame him like this?

Seeing that the guards were getting closer and closer, if they were not captured without restraint, a hard battle would be inevitable. Gu Fenghua had no time to think too much. He quickly glanced at An Zize and came to Yang Yunkai in one stride.

"What do you want to do? Do you want to kill people and silence them in front of so many people?" Yang Yunkai pretended to be frightened, with two short hands in front of him, vigilant and sad at the same time. Look at Gu Fenghua.

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