Hearing Yu Zifei's words, Gu Fenghua and others were a little surprised, and their impression of him also changed greatly. Although this guy's memory is a little bad, his brain is not stupid, nor is he too bad.

"Could it be that he was looking after senior sister Gu and this... senior sister because she was good-looking, so he was lustful?" Yu Zifei thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he looked at Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen, and guessed said.

Uh... there was a sound of retching in the crowd at the same time.

Although they would never show any contempt in front of Yang Yunkai because they were from the same school, they would never dare to compliment his appearance. With his behavior, he dared to have an idea against Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen? To say that the toad wanted to eat swan meat was just a compliment. It was disgusting that Yu Zifei could even think of this.

The good impression that Gu Fenghua and others had for Yu Zifei disappeared immediately: No wonder this guy has such a bad memory, what are he thinking in his head? Do you know how disgusting this is?

"Pfft!" Yang Yunkai opened his mouth and spurted out another mouthful of blood.

Yes, he acted like a villain today. He was despicable and shameless, but he was not so dirty!

Spewing blood on others, this is spitting blood on others! At this moment, he finally felt what it felt like to be slandered, and he was really sad and angry. His whole body was trembling, and he really wanted to hit his head against the wall and die.

"Senior Brother Yu, Senior Brother Yang indeed deliberately slandered him, and he himself admitted it." A guard said.

"Look, look, I just said that he slandered Senior Sister Gu. Let me be right. He must be seeing..." Yu Zifei didn't expect that he was right, and he suddenly became jealous.

"But it's not the reason you said. It seems that it was because I heard rumors that Gu Fenghua deceived the world and stole his reputation and killed someone. He framed her out of righteous indignation." She was afraid of being sickened to death by what he said next, and didn't wait for him to finish. , the guard quickly explained.

Of course, this was also for Yang Yunkai. Yang Yunkai did such a despicable and shameless thing and brought Stargazing City into disgrace. It would be fine if he was killed because of shame, but if he was killed because of Yu Zifei's words, even they would feel aggrieved on his behalf.

"What, as a deacon of Yundan Pavilion and a direct disciple of the Guanxing lineage, he actually did such a thing that ruined the family tradition!" The maid next to Mu Chenxi said in shock, holding a long sword in her hand.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's not just lust." Yu Zifei patted his chest and said happily. Looking at it like this, he also knew that his guess was disgusting and would disgust people to death.

However, as a deacon of Yundan Pavilion and a direct descendant of Guanxing's lineage, it is despicable and shameless to slander others with such nonsense, but I don't know what's good about it.

"Yang Yunkai, is he telling the truth?" Mu Chenxi looked at Yang Yunkai with a stern expression.

"What I said to my uncle is true." Yang Yunkai gritted his teeth and admitted.

After being slapped awake by An Zize, he finally remembered what he had said before, and it was okay not to admit it now.

"Okay, okay, Master has placed so much trust in you and entrusted you with such a heavy responsibility. You actually did something that insulted the family tradition. According to the rules of the family, you should be abolished..." Mu Chenxi said angrily.

Hearing her words, Yang Yunkai was shocked and frightened, and his old face like orange peel suddenly turned pale.

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