My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4033 4033 Standing and talking doesn’t hurt your back!

Gu Fenghua and others were already thinking of a hundred ways to kill this guy, and they couldn't help but show a bit of indignation in their eyes: You still have the nerve to tell others, you only have half a month in total, because you took a breath , I just wasted three whole days. If it were you, wouldn't you be in a hurry? (This group of people is also a victim, and I can really understand the mood of those people at this time.)

It turns out that in addition to having a bad memory and gasping for breath in one sentence, this guy also has a bad habit: his back hurts when he talks while standing!

Returning to the yard, taking a deep breath and putting the anger against Yu Zifei out of his mind, Gu Fenghua and others gathered their minds and began to practice.

As the skill was running, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth gathered rapidly, flowing through the meridians like a stream, but it was not integrated with the holy energy like usual.

This situation is exactly the same as the situation when practicing the Star Machine Technique a few days ago. According to Yu Zifei, this is of course because he did not take Yun Xing Dan, but in Gu Fenghua's view, this is actually because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth condensed with Xing Ji Jue lacks the Tao Yun. No matter what the explanation is, the result is the same. Only by taking Yunxing Dan can one condense the holy energy of the star machine.

Gu Fenghua "looked" at the Yunxing Dan in the space bracelet, but was not in a hurry to take it. In ordinary practice, the purer and more solid the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is, the easier it is to refine it into holy energy. Although the Xingji Jue is very different from the ordinary spiritual practice, it never departs from its origin, and naturally there will be no exception.

They can only receive one Yun Xing Dan every day, and they only saved three because of Yu Zifei's forgetfulness, so they cannot waste it easily.

Although it is impossible to condense the holy energy with the Star Machine Art, it is only the last step. The previous training process is no different from other mental training methods. Gu Fenghua circulated the holy energy over and over again, constantly condensing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and removing impurities.

Time passed slowly, and before I knew it, the sun was high in the sky, and then it was setting in the west. Then night fell, and the dark night sky was filled with stars. Gradually, a touch of fish white appeared on the horizon.

Finally, a ray of morning light fell on the earth. Gu Fenghua opened his eyes, took out two Yunxing Pills and drank them.

Daoyun, indeed Daoyun! The power of the elixir is completely different from other holy elixirs. It can neither enhance the holy energy nor heal injuries. There is only a hint of heaven and earth charm contained in it.

This trace of rhyme is so subtle that it is almost undetectable. Normally, it would be of no help to cultivation, but at this time, it was like a spark thrown into a dry grassland, igniting a prairie fire.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth that had been condensed to the extreme by Gu Fenghua suddenly became extremely agile, flowing happily through the meridians and integrating into her holy energy.

Success, finally success!

Although this little bit of Holy Qi is almost meaningless to her improvement of cultivation, and the power contained in it cannot be compared with her original Holy Qi, blending into it is like a trickle flowing into the vast sea, but she finally cultivated Gu Fenghua was still overjoyed after receiving the Holy Qi of Tianxing.

After all, she was tricked so badly by Yu Zifei a few days ago, and she also struggled with this Star Machine Technique. Now that she has finally overcome the ups and downs in practice, no matter who it is, she will be equally excited!

Of course, in his excitement, Gu Fenghua's impulse to strangle Yu Zifei became even stronger. If he hadn't forgotten to mention Yunxing Dan, how could she have been so hard and anxious the past few days?

The last trace of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was transformed into holy energy. Gu Fenghua opened her eyes suddenly and was about to share her joy with everyone, but she saw disappointed faces one after another.

"Failed?" Gu Fenghua asked tentatively.

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