My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4228 4228 I have the urge to vomit blood.

Hearing what he said, Gu Fenghua and others became more sure of their guess: Ye Lishang indeed came from the Supreme Heaven.

Although Gu Fenghua relied entirely on the mysterious power of her bloodline to conquer the holy territory, she did not refute what Ao Canhun said. The weapon refining skills of the Burning Sky Sect were actually passed down by Ye Lishang. As the leader of the Burning Sky Sect, it would not be wrong to say that her weapon refining skills were inherited from him. Besides, a life-and-death fight is not only a competition of strength, but also a competition of wits. It is better to be imaginary and real. Anyone who wants to honestly reveal his or her past is being stupid.

"Ye Lishang and I once had a relationship. Since you are the heir to his mantle, I will let you live. If you can break this void barrier, you can leave on your own." Ao Canhun continued.

Gu Fenghua glanced at Ao Canhun suspiciously. Although she had the upper hand in the battle just now, her demon pet was not weak in strength. In comparison, her demon pets were simply weak. This was why she had not summoned any demon pets.

Because Wuji Shengtian lacks spiritual energy, these naughty children are now stuck in the growth stage. In the past, they have repeatedly accomplished extraordinary feats by relying on their powerful innate magical powers. With such innate magical powers, she could win unexpectedly against ordinary holy masters. But against a strong man like Ao Canhun, she would most likely be seeking death, so how could she dare to take risks.

Gu Fenghua believed that by summoning the purple soul Zhu Yan, relying on the spiritual connection and blood connection with the demon pet, Ao Canhun's combat power would be greatly increased.

If he continues to fight, it will be difficult for him to gain any advantage. How could he give up so easily? She also never believed that Ao Canhun would be so kind and just let them leave just because they had a chance encounter with Ye Lishang.

What is this guy planning?

"Why, are you still worried that I will not keep my word?" Ao Canhun said angrily after seeing the doubt in Gu Fenghua's eyes.

After all, he is also one of the famous and powerful men in the Supreme Heaven. He has always kept his word, but when he came to this lower plane, he was actually suspected by a little girl who was still young. This is simply a humiliation to his personality and his dignity. of trampling.

"If I'm not mistaken, your demon pet should be pretty good. With your strength, having this demon pet to help you is even more powerful. If it were me, I wouldn't give up so easily. Tell me, you What's the conspiracy?" Gu Fenghua didn't hide anything and directly expressed his doubts.

"..." Ao Canhun was left speechless by Gu Fenghua's questioning, and suddenly felt the urge to vomit blood.

He finally understood where the problem lay, and it was because he was too generous. Thinking about it, with his own strength and the help of his demon pet, even if the girl in front of him gets Ye Lishang's true biography, she is still too young after all. He should not be afraid of her. How could he give up so easily?

Not to mention that she would be suspicious. If it were him, he would probably be just as suspicious.

However, how did she know that when she fell into the Broken Space, the demon pet was injured more seriously than herself. In order to stimulate its innate magical power, she used this innate magical power to leave the Broken Space and attract the powerful Wuji Holy Heaven here. For his own use, he had to use the soul sacrifice technique to burn Zhu Yan's blood life essence to the extreme. At this time, Zhu Yan seemed to be powerful, but in fact, his life force was nearly exhausted. Every time he took action against someone, he was one step closer to death.

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