My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4237 4237 is even more in awe of her

How is this possible, considering that Ye Lishang is the most powerful person in the history of Wuji Holy Heaven, and even the other three Holy Lords can only hold him back? Could it be that Gu Fenghua's qualifications are stronger than his, and his future achievements will be higher than Ye Lishang's? Mo Qingqiu was stunned by the sudden thoughts that came to him.

A clear "click" sound brought Mo Qingqiu's thoughts back to reality.

Looking up, I saw a gap opening in the ethereal void. Behind the gap, mountain peaks rose from the ground. Although it looked vague, it was obviously the scene of the Wuji Holy Heaven.

This, this is... the void barrier that even Ao Remnant Soul couldn't break was so easily broken by Gu Fenghua. Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief, almost unable to believe what they saw.

"Let's go!" Gu Fenghua rose into the air and flew towards the crack in space first.

She could feel that the void barrier was indeed much stronger than the heaven and earth barrier of Wuji Holy Heaven. This crack might not last long.

Everyone did not dare to delay, suppressed their surprise in their hearts, and quickly followed...

Until they passed through the crack in the void and returned to the Wuji Holy Heaven, and were led by Yu Haofeng, Yu Xuanyang and his son to the Star Observation City, everyone's minds were still in chaos.

If you think about it carefully, since Gu Fenghua can defeat Ao Canhun, it is not surprising that he can easily break the void barrier. But don't forget, Ao Canhun is a powerful man from the supreme heaven.

Although it is said that the catastrophe that destroyed the world tens of thousands of years ago was related to the Supreme Heaven, in the past tens of thousands of years, has anyone seen what the powerful Supreme Heaven looks like?

If the guess is correct, it is not easy for even a powerful person from the Supreme Heaven to cross the endless void and come to the Supreme Heaven. Since Ao Canhun can do it, he must be considered a strong person in the Supreme Heaven with his cultivation. Judging from the holy beads revealed between Gu Fenghua's brows, it was obvious that he was only a fourth-grade Emperor Saint. How could he kill him with one sword, and how could he break through the void barrier so easily.

Everyone’s minds are filled with question marks, and the more they think about it, the more puzzled they become.

"Sect Master Yan, I will help you heal your wounds right now." Gu Fenghua didn't know what they were thinking. As soon as they arrived at the gate of Tianxing Garden, he said to Sect Master Yan and others.

"I dare not bother you, Master. Now that the spiritual energy has recovered, we will be fine after a few days of cultivation. You must have suffered a lot from the hard battles before, so it is better to cultivate well." Sect Leader Yan and others hurriedly bowed and said.

Although there were many doubts in their hearts, after seeing the power of Gu Fenghua's sword, everyone was grateful and in awe of her, and how could they dare to bother her anymore.

"Okay, then I won't force it." Gu Fenghua could also see that after taking the Xuanyou Emperor's Spiritual Pill that he personally refined, their injuries were mostly healed, but now that their spiritual energy has recovered, they are not completely healed. The injury can heal completely on its own, so there is no need to force it.

"That's fine, Fenghua. Let's go to the Star Observation Tower now?" Yu Xuanyang was only thinking about the Xuanxing Formation. He didn't want Gu Fenghua to waste time on everyone's injuries. Seeing Sect Leader Yan and others politely refuse, he naturally He was overjoyed and said eagerly.

"Fenghua has just come back. You should cultivate yourself well. Why are you so anxious?" As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Haofeng jumped up on the spot and slapped him on the head.

Although he did not go to Shattered Space, on the way back, he heard Yu Xuanyang talk about the dangers of this trip. After knowing the origin of Ao Canhun, he felt even more scared just thinking about it. Even though Gu Fenghua seemed to be fine on the surface, how could he not be worried about her.

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