My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4250 4250 This is the first time I have seen it

The Xuanxing Tianji Seal is also one of the unique miraculous arts created by Zhuge Guanxing. It is said to have unpredictable powers. Even Mo Qingqiu has only seen it once, while Lu Hongdao and others have only heard that this is the first time. Saw once.

More importantly, it is said that the Xuanxing Tianji Seal is so profound that, except for the first few Stargazing City Lords, no future generations can understand it. It can even be said to have been lost long ago. Unexpectedly, Yu Xuanyang actually understood this secret skill. It's no wonder that he is known as one of the strongest city lords in the history of Star Observation City, and his reputation is not in vain.

"Yes, this is the Xuanxing Tianji Seal created by the ancestor." Although Yu Xuanyang has always been arrogant and does not take others seriously, but seeing the surprise on Mo Qingqiu's face, he still couldn't help showing a bit of complacency. With such a look, the movements of his hands were a little faster.

Following the handprints, thousands of stars swirled around, intertwining into a network of light that suddenly shrank inward.

It turns out that this Xuanxing Tianji Seal is a confinement seal. Gu Fenghua and others suddenly realized. Speaking of which, Zhuge Guanxing created this unique skill back then, not necessarily for the artifact in front of him, but it was just right for it at this time.

The light network continued to shrink, and with a soft sound, the seven fragments of the artifact that were pieced together fit together more closely. The surface, which was originally as dark as night, actually emitted a dark blue halo, releasing the energy fluctuations unique to the artifact.

That’s it! Not to mention Lu Hongdao, Zhong Lizheng and others, even Mo Qingqiu was greatly surprised.

I thought that even a strong man like Ao Canhun could only forcibly condense the fragments of the artifact together. Of course, it would be difficult for Yu Xuanyang to do it, and it would even be extremely dangerous. Several people were secretly prepared. , once an accident occurs, immediately take action to save people. Who knew that Yu Xuanyang could condense and combine the seven artifact fragments so easily!

The Xuanxing Tianji Seal created by Zhuge Guanxing is indeed well-deserved. Everyone was secretly sighing.

"Be careful, stop!" At this moment, Gu Fenghua suddenly shouted.

Seeing Yu Xuanyang condense the seven fragments of the artifact so easily, she was equally surprised and sighed, but soon, she discovered that something was wrong.

All around, a mysterious rhyme of heaven and earth suddenly surged. That is the rhythm of the Tao of the weapon, which should coincide with the peace and harmony of the Tao of heaven and earth, but at this time, there is a faint atmosphere of violence and chaos.

Because this is a weapon method, it is difficult for others to notice anything unusual. However, as the leader of the Burning Heaven Sect, her attainments in the weapon method are unparalleled by others, so how could she not notice the abnormality of this weapon method? Although the violent and chaotic aura was not strong, it still made her feel deeply uneasy.

Yu Xuanyang was secretly proud and was about to try to activate the sacred pattern hidden in the artifact. When he heard Gu Fenghua's words, he was startled and raised his head blankly.

"Not good!" Although Mo Qingqiu is not a weapon refiner, after all, his lifespan is there. After tens of thousands of years of hard training, he has some experience in the art of weapon refinement. Seeing Gu Fenghua so nervous, his heart moved and he gathered his thoughts. Nian probed carefully, and vaguely felt the strange rhythm of heaven and earth.

With a cry of surprise in his mouth, Mo Qingqiu swayed and rushed towards Yu Xuanyang. At the same time, he thrust out both palms and released his holy energy, laying down a shield of energy in front of Yu Xuanyang.

Unfortunately, it was still a step too late. Before the air shield was fully deployed, the artifact shook violently, and seven huge forces erupted like a volcano.

Yu Xuanyang thought that he was done, and he was completely unprepared. Even if Mo Qingqiu hurriedly set up the air shield for him, how could he block the power of the artifact? He only heard a muffled groan and was knocked away.

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