My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4261 4261Where is the weakness?

If it weren't for Ao Canhun taking Qin Haofang as a bait to get out of trouble, and if it wasn't for Gu Fenghua's help, they wouldn't have been able to enter the broken space. Even if they did, it would be a dead end. What kind of artifact fragments do they want? almost.

According to Gu Fenghua, the so-called artifact in front of him is only one-third at most, not even one-third. Where can he find other fragments? More importantly, he didn't have that much time at all.

It seems that it is more realistic to find a suitable place to build another city as soon as possible and move the people out of Star Observation City.

Thinking of this, Yu Xuanyang was filled with unwillingness and regret.

"Don't be so troublesome. Although this artifact is still incomplete, its power is enough to suppress the power of the sacred pattern in the Xuanxing Formation. There should be no problem in repairing the formation." Gu Fenghua said suddenly.

"What!" As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked again.

They had witnessed Mo Qingqiu's actions just now. Just looking at the helplessness on his face and the sweat on his head, you can tell that even with the powerful cultivation of Lord Junshi, there is no way to use the incomplete artifact in front of him. What can Gu Fenghua do?

"With my own strength, it is indeed impossible to do it, but with En En, Wu Se and Lan Sheng, there should be great hope." Seeing their doubts, Gu Fenghua explained.

It was okay if he didn't explain it, but once he explained it, everyone became even more confused.

After all, Gu Fenghua is still a powerful fourth-grade Emperor Saint. As an alchemy master, his spiritual power is not comparable to that of ordinary fourth-grade Emperor Saints. But Luo Enen and the others are only a first-grade Emperor Saint. How can they help? If you really need help, you should look for Mo Qingqiu, Yu Xuanyang and other talents, right?

"Us?" Not to mention outsiders, even Luo Enen and the others were confused.

"Everything in the world has weaknesses, and artifacts are no exception. Of course, if this artifact is complete, it would be difficult to find its weaknesses, but now that it is incomplete, it will be much easier to find. I just faintly discovered that this artifact not only has Weaknesses, and there are more than one. The four of us join forces and inject the divine energy into those weak points at the same time. We should be able to forcibly sacrifice the artifact!" Gu Fenghua said.

"Where is the weakness?" Luo Enen asked excitedly.

Since Gu Fenghua said they can do it, of course they can do it! Miss Luo's self-confidence was once again unprecedentedly high, and her previous doubts had long been thrown away.

"I'll look carefully, and you should also pay more attention." After Gu Fenghua finished speaking, he came to the artifact and injected holy energy and spiritual thoughts into it.

Soon, the holy energy and spiritual thoughts also fell into a quagmire. On the artifact, runes disappeared in a flash.

"Do you understand?" Gu Fenghua asked.

Luo Enen and others looked at me, and I looked at you, while shaking their heads in shame.

"It's okay, don't worry, take your time." Gu Fenghua comforted.

The runes flashed so fast that even she couldn't see anything strange in such a short time, let alone others.

After a short rest, Gu Fenghua circulated the holy energy again, condensed his spiritual thoughts, and injected them into the artifact.

Half a quarter of an hour later, another rune flickered on the artifact, but just like last time, the strange light quickly dissipated and the artifact fell silent.

"I still don't understand." Before Gu Fenghua could ask, Luo Enen and others said with shameful expressions.

Although they stared at the artifact intently, their eyes almost popped out, but there was nothing they could do. The rune light disappeared too quickly. More importantly, there were tens of thousands of runes engraved on the artifact. It is not easy to find the differences and weaknesses.

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