My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4275 4275 Really, it’s so bullying!

"By the way, Fenghua, what did you say to Mu Chenxi? Her expression is so strange?" Luo Enen was not used to this kind of atmosphere, so she forced herself to put her worries aside and changed the subject.

Fatty Bai and Ye Wuse also tilted their heads and looked at Gu Fenghua, their eyes full of curiosity.

When parting, Mu Chenxi hesitated, as if she wanted to say something to Gu Fenghua, but before she could think of words, Gu Fenghua gathered his energy and spoke first. Afterwards, Mu Chenxi's expression became extremely exciting. Sometimes she was lost, sometimes sad, sometimes ashamed, sometimes grief-stricken, sometimes excited, sometimes excited, and finally shedding tears of gratitude.

Until now, they don't know what Gu Fenghua said to Mu Chenxi, which caused her pretty face to change in a flash, and her mind must have changed thousands of times.

"It's nothing. I just asked her if she still wanted revenge. I said I would never break my promise if I gave her a chance. If she is not afraid of losing too ugly, she can take revenge right away if she wants to." Gu Fenghua said.

"Uh..." Luo Enen and others were startled at the same time, and their expressions became weird.

Let’s not talk about Gu Fenghua’s great kindness to Star Observation City. Let’s talk about his strength. Facing a strong man of the seventh rank of Emperor Saint, Mu Chenxi has no qualifications for revenge. He is more like seeking abuse.

Thinking about Mu Chenxi's hesitant expression at that time, he probably didn't want to bring up the matter of revenge, but wanted to apologize to her and settle the grudge.

When Gu Fenghua asked like that, wasn't he clearly trying to embarrass others?

If you think about it carefully, Mu Chenxi is actually quite pitiful. Because of Gu Fenghua, the head of the family missed out on the position of sect leader. She was originally a peerless prodigy of the Ku Chan Sect, but she became a laughing stock overnight. Not to mention others, even the saliva of the Mu family's own children could drown her alive. In desperation, she had to leave the Kuzen Sect and wander around the world.

Originally, she was very lucky. She was chosen by Yu Xuanyang and became his disciple. Her strength also improved by leaps and bounds. If her enemy were replaced by someone else, revenge would be just around the corner. But unfortunately, she met Gu Fenghua. She had seen the scene of Gu Fenghua slaying the remnant soul of Ao, and had seen her astonishing medical skills, alchemy, and weapon refining skills. It didn’t take much to think about how hurt Mu Chenxi’s heart was. .

Thinking of the arrogant remarks she once made in front of Gu Fenghua, I'm afraid she herself would be ashamed.

Gu Fenghua asked such a question, not only to embarrass her, but also to rub salt into her wounds!

"Fenghua, don't you think it's too bullying?" After a while, Luo Enen said weakly.

I remember that back then, she, Miss Luo, was also a tyrant in Xinghua Capital. She often bullied others, but at most she would only use fists and kicks, leaving some physical wounds on others. However, Gu Fenghua was... Words that are heart-breaking not only sprinkle salt on other people's wounds, they are simply stabbing knives in other people's hearts.

Really, it’s so bullying!

They finally knew why Mu Chenxi was so grief-stricken and indignant at that time, even clenching his fists again and again, loosening them again and again, clenching them again and again, and even digging his fingernails into his flesh, leaving no trace of blood. Unconscious. If they were in their place and were so hurt and humiliated by others, even if they risked their lives, they would probably pounce on each other and take a bite out of each other. It would be best if they died cleanly.

It's really hard for Mu Chenxi, but he can endure this.

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