In the tens of thousands of years of Wuji Shengtian's history, countless sects have risen like comets and fallen like comets. Most of them are due to lack of strength and lack of success from their descendants, so they gradually declined. But there are also a very small number that suddenly disappeared during their heyday and were gradually forgotten.

The Burning Sky Sect is one of them, and the Shengyuan Sect is also one of them.

Legend has it that the Shengyuan Sect is one of the oldest sects in the Xuanji Region. When it was the most powerful, it once surpassed the other seventeen holy sects in the Xuanji Region and was known as the head of the eighteen holy sects in the Xuanji Region. Even if we look at the three extreme regions, its prestige is probably the same.

Just like many sects that were once very powerful, after nearly ten thousand years of glory, Shengyuan Sect has gradually declined. But even so, its strength is still enough to compete with any Holy Sect. Its heyday is not over yet. Compared to Nanli Zong, a sect that almost fell to the bottom, I don't know how much stronger it is.

But thousands of years ago, the Shengyuan Sect mysteriously disappeared overnight, and there was no more news. Thousands of years have been enough for the world to forget many things. Not to mention the other two extreme realms, even in the Xuanji realm, there are not many people who remember the Shengyuan Sect. Gu Fenghua still looked through Mo Qingqiu's notes and saw a few words about the Holy Yuan Sect, and then he realized that there had been such a powerful Holy Sect in the Xuanji Domain.

However, is the Shengyuan Sect they are talking about really the Shengyuan Sect they know? Isn't it the same name, or is it selling someone else's head? After all, the Shengyuan Sect has disappeared for thousands of years, and it has completely disappeared without any news. Gu Fenghua was not sure for a while.

"I have no knowledge. I have never even heard of our Shengyuan Sect. You are a frog in the well!" Yuan Shaochong looked at Luo Enen with disdain, his expression even more disapproving than hers.

"Tch, I don't know where this scumbag sect came from, but you have the nerve to show it off, and you still have the nerve to call me a frog in the well! Get out of here, or don't blame me for beating you up, and you will even Your father doesn't even know you." Luo Enen retorted unceremoniously.

She has always disliked using her brain, and her knowledge and horizons are far behind those of Fatty Ye Wusebai, let alone Gu Fenghua, so what she has always hated the most is when others say she is ignorant, and this hit home. I won't save any face for the little monkey opposite.

"How dare you say that our Shengyuan Sect is a scumbag and insult my sect!" All around, all the Saint Masters shouted angrily.

"Okay, okay, if you dare to insult our Holy Yuan Sect, I will show you the methods of our Holy Yuan Sect!" Yuan Shaochong was so angry that his whole body was shaking, and he flew towards Luo Enen and stabbed him with his sword.

This sword is as graceful as a startling dragon, and its power is as strong as the wind, which makes it look like a flying fairy from heaven. But this guy was too thin. His large holy robes danced in the wind, and he looked more like a monkey performing tricks in the streets. Lorne almost laughed out loud.

However, when she saw the golden holy bead between Yuan Shaochong's eyebrows, her smile immediately froze slightly.

Emperor Saint, this flying monkey turns out to be Emperor Saint!

With Luo Enen's current level of cultivation at the sixth level of the Emperor's Saint, he would certainly not take a mere first-level Emperor's Saint seriously. But don't forget that the reason why they were able to reach the sixth level of Emperor Saint so quickly was certainly related to their own efforts, but more importantly because of Gu Fenghua. Without her, even if they put in ten times the effort, they might not be able to cross the chasms and reach the realm of the Emperor.

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