My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4288 4288 I have made up my mind

The old man with a sinister expression opposite him was Yuandaoling, the leader of the Shengyuan Sect.

"Seeking death!" Outside the formation, nearly a hundred Saint Masters shouted in unison. Although the color is different from the holy robe on Yuandaoling, the cloud patterns on the corners of the clothes are exactly the same. They are obviously disciples of Shengyuan Sect.

"Liang Yicheng, are you really determined to join this old man?" Anger flashed through Yuan Daoling's eyes, but he suppressed his anger and waved his hand, looking at the other old man trapped in the formation.

This old man has a thin figure and a slender face. He has an air of elegance about him. However, his injuries are a bit more serious than Zhen Fengliu. Not only does his face look as miserable as gold paper, but his body is also stained with blood. It is obvious that he has meridians all over his body. Many cracks.

"Sect Master Yuan, I, the Chenxing Sect, should not have intervened in the grudges between your Sheng Yuan Sect and the Yelang Sect, but Sect Master Zhen has been kind to us. Now that they are in trouble, how can I stand by and watch?" said Liang Yicheng. The old man shook his head and said neither humble nor overbearing. Although he was seriously injured, his expression and demeanor were still so calm.

"Sect Master Liang, your Chenxing Sect has encountered a catastrophe. It is not easy to find such a place to live. Do you really have the heart to be destroyed like this?" Seeing this, Yuan Daoling showed a little respect for him, and his words were also Much more polite.

"Our Chenxing Sect has established sect rules since ancient times. The disciples of the future generations must act with no shame in their hearts and no shame in heaven and earth. If I am ungrateful today, what is the point of surviving in this world even if I guard these dilapidated palaces? Sect Master Yuan, I'm sorry." Liang Yicheng said. His expression was still so detached and indifferent, but his eyes were extremely determined.

Hearing these righteous words, even the people outside the formation stood in awe.

"Sect Leader Liang, it's better than this. As long as you don't interfere in this matter today, I will not only let the past go, but I will also try my best to help your Chenxing Sect return to the Spiritual Realm in the future. I think the face of our Shengyuan Sect and the Zhanxin Sect will still be the same." I have to give it to you." Seeing Liang Yicheng's calm yet determined expression, Yuan Daoling was even more interested in making friends. He was silent for a moment and then spoke again.

Hearing these words, the eyes of the dozens of Chenxing Sect disciples behind Liang Yicheng who were also seriously injured lit up.

The Chenxing Sect was a top-grade sect no matter what. They were forced to leave their hometown and flee to the Luoxing Gorge by the Zhanxin Sect. Naturally, they were filled with reluctance and dreamed of returning to the Spiritual Realm.

But they also know that Zhan Xin Sect has always been ruthless in their actions. If they can really keep their promise and let them go, it will be God's blessing. How can they be given a chance to make a comeback? If you don't go back, you may still be able to preserve a trace of your bloodline for the sect. If you go back, it will definitely be a dead end!

However, it would be different if Sheng Yuan Zong was willing to help.

This was the head of the eighteen holy sects in the Xuanji Domain. Even as far away as the Lingji Domain, they had all heard of the name of the Holy Yuan Sect. Although there has been no news for thousands of years, judging from today's situation, this ancient sect is still very powerful. Even if it is not as powerful as it was at its peak, it is by no means comparable to ordinary holy sects. The Zhanxin Sect doesn't have to give others face, but the Shengyuan Sect has to give some face no matter what.

"Sect Master Yuan, I have made up my mind and forgive you." Unfortunately, Liang Yicheng was not moved at all and said as before, neither humble nor overbearing.

Hearing what the sect leader said, the disciples behind him couldn't help but look disappointed.

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