My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4291 4291 Fenghua and the others arrived in time

"Yuan Daoling, you despicable villain, don't think that I don't know what you are planning. After all, you just want the treasure of my Yelang Sect, and you also advocate for justice. You are not afraid of the wind." You are so tongue-tied, you want to be a bitch and want to build a memorial arch, the eternal reputation of Shengyuan Sect has been ruined by you." Zhen Fengliu spit out blood heavily, eyes widened with anger, pointed at Yuandaoling and cursed.

Angrily, he finally stood up, but his whole body was trembling and swaying, but he obviously had no strength to do anything.

After hearing his words, all the old men around him were thoughtful and glanced at Yuandaoling subconsciously.

They were not members of the Shengyuan Sect, but came from major sects in the Xuanji Domain. Because their seniors or elders in their families had received favors from the Shengyuan Sect and owed some favors, they came to help at the invitation of Yuandaoling.

In fact, they don't have much dislike for Yelang Sect. Although the Yelang Sect is a bit arrogant in their actions, and their constant stalking is really annoying, they never take the initiative to cause trouble. Every time their own sect is bullied, they will come to ask for an explanation. Who wants to be pestered by them? Yes, that is your own fault.

And many times, when Yelang Sect disciples get into trouble, they actually stand up for others, which is a bit of the ancient tradition of drawing a sword to help when there is injustice.

So if Yuandaoling hadn't invited them this time, they really wouldn't have wanted to embarrass the Yelang Sect.

Originally, they were still wondering: Shengyuan Sect had been hidden in the world for so many years, and suddenly returned to the world because of the Yelang Sect, and specially invited them to come and help. It was obvious that they were going to destroy the sect. What was the reason for this? How cruelly did the Yelang Sect offend the Shengyuan Sect? Could it be that they dug up other people's ancestral graves, or that one of their disciples ruined the innocence of someone else's precious daughter?

But now after hearing Zhen Fengliu's words, they suddenly realized that things might not be as simple as they thought.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. Our Shengyuan Sect is hostile to the Yelang Sect this time. Firstly, it is because they injured my closed disciple, hurt his spiritual roots and destroyed his cultivation. Secondly, it is also to save those who The sect that suffered the scourge of Yelang Sect has no other reason than to uphold justice. Besides, with the strength and status of our Shengyuan Sect, how can we take his Yelang Sect’s treasure to suppress the sect in our eyes." Yuandao Lingben's sinister expression darkened slightly, but soon, he smiled lightly and said contemptuously.

After hearing his explanation, all the old men nodded slightly. Although I still have some doubts in my heart, Yuan Daoling is right. With the strength and status of their Shengyuan Sect, how can they take the Yelang Sect's so-called sect-suppressing treasure in their eyes?

"Yuan Daoling, do you still want to be shameless? Your Saint Yuan Sect was the head of the Eighteen Saint Sects in the Xuanji Domain back then. As the sect leader, you are only a disciple of the Eighth Grade Tiansheng. Who will believe it? Why don't you feel ashamed to have such a closed disciple?" Zhen Fengliu sneered and scolded sarcastically.

Hearing this, the expressions of the old men around him became strange again.

Tiansheng 8th grade, a close disciple of the dignified Shengyuan Sect leader, whose cultivation level is only Tiansheng 8th grade. I don’t know whether others believe it or not, but they won’t believe it anyway.

Either that person is just an ordinary disciple of Shengyuan Sect, or even an outer disciple at all. Or, he deliberately suppressed his strength and deliberately injured himself at the hands of the Yelang Sect. As for hurting his spiritual roots and destroying his cultivation, I'm afraid it's not true.

It seems that there may be something hidden behind what happened today. It is not as righteous and upright as Yuan Daoling said, and I accidentally became his accomplice.

Thinking of this, they all regretted a little. If they had known this, they shouldn't have come to this muddy water. It's a pity that the matter has come to this, and it's too late to regret it. We can't fall out with Yuandaoling because of Yelang Sect. Let's not talk about whether they have the confidence to fall out. Just say that they are both snakes and rats. If it spreads, it will make people laugh even more.

"Get started, restrain their cultivation, and take them all back to be punished." After being scolded bloody by Zhen Fengliu, Yuan Daoling's face darkened, and he simply ordered directly to his disciples.

Seeing the doubt and regret in the eyes of the strong men of each sect, he didn't bother to explain.

Anyway, his goal has been achieved. As long as Zhen Fengliu is forced to hand over the rare treasure of heaven and earth he wants, Shengyuan Sect will surely regain its former glory and become the most powerful sect in Wuji Shengtian. And his Yuandao Mausoleum, He will also become a powerful man second only to the three great sage kings, so why should he care about what others think.

His disciples strode forward and pressed towards Zhen Fengliu and others.

The disciples of both the Yelang Sect and the Chenxing Sect were seriously injured. Except for Zhen Fengliu, the others could not even stand up. Of course, they had nothing to be afraid of. Each one looked more relaxed than the other, looking at Zhen Fengliu and others. His eyes were full of contempt and sarcasm.

"Yuan Daoling, even if I die, I, Zhen Fengliu, will not let a despicable villain like you succeed." Zhen Fengliu looked up to the sky and roared with grief and anger, and made a series of hand seals.

A mysterious brilliance suddenly erupted from his body, lingering and condensing, forming a beast-shaped shadow.

The holy energy in his body was stirring, exuding a thrilling power, but what was disturbing was that the power was filled with the aura of death.

The disciples of Shengyuan Sect who were advancing step by step were shocked and stopped at the same time.

They had all seen Zhen Fengliu's injuries with their own eyes. Anyone who was injured like this would probably be unable to circulate the holy energy, and the sect leader would not be an exception. But why can Zhen Fengliu not only be able to circulate holy energy, but also have such terrifying power emerging from his body? And what about the aura of death?

"Sect Leader Zhen, stop!" Liang Yicheng exclaimed.

Although he didn't know what was going on, from the violent and restless Qi, the thrilling power, and the breath of death in Zhen Feng's fluid, it was not difficult for him to guess that Zhen Fengliu was using the secrets of the Yelang Sect. The technique forcibly condenses the holy energy to increase the strength, and the consequences of using this secret technique are probably the same as self-destructing the holy beads and soul beads, destroying the soul and leaving no bones left.

Liang Yicheng struggled to get up and stop him, but his injuries had not healed yet, so he relied on Zhen Fengliu's help to save his life. When the sect-protecting formation broke open, he was seriously injured again, but he couldn't stand up, so how could he stop it? For a moment, he was so anxious that his eyes were about to burst, and blood was pouring out from his clenched teeth.

"Sir, don't do it!" Those Yelang Sect disciples who were seriously injured and fell to the ground shouted in unison with tears streaming down their faces.

"Not good!" Yuan Daoling also didn't know what was going on, but he also felt the crisis and jumped towards Zhen Fengliu.

"Master, stop!"

"Sect Leader Zhen, stop!" At this moment, more than ten figures flew over.

While shouting in unison, three old men stood in front of Yuandaoling, while a stunningly beautiful girl and a handsome but cold young man rushed towards Zhen Fengliu.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Yuandaoling and the old men retreated at the same time.

The fingers of the girl and the young man were pointed at Zhen Fengliu at the same time. Zhen Fengliu was shocked and his handprints stopped. After a moment, the vague animal-shaped shadow behind him disappeared. The frantic holy energy in his body quickly returned to calm, and the breath of death also disappeared.

"Master..." Immediately afterwards, a heartbreaking howl was heard, and a little monkey wearing a big black robe with a red belt and a cuckold rushed over, hugging Zhen Fengliu and burst into tears.

"Junhou, it's you, it's really you!" Zhen Fengliu looked at Tang Junhou in surprise, as if she couldn't believe her eyes. It took a while before she came back to her senses, crying with joy, and said in a trembling voice.

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