My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4321 Should 4321 save people or kill people?

What Jing Lichen couldn't do was not too difficult for Gu Fenghua. The techniques taught by her brothers are infinitely better than the Star Gazing Art, and even better than the Chenxing Sect techniques. Although she is only at the seventh level of the Emperor Saint now, she still has absolute confidence if she goes all out. Suppress the chaotic power of the five elements.

However, Liang Yicheng's injuries have been delayed for too long, and the meridians in her body have been riddled with holes, and the power of the five elements has been suppressed for too long, too chaotic and violent. If she takes action with all her strength, while suppressing the power of the five elements, it will also be very difficult. It might destroy all his meridians and even destroy his Holy Spirit root.

By then, even with her medical skills and pills, I am afraid it will be difficult to help him recover. Even if he barely recovers, it will definitely be difficult to make any further progress.

After Gu Fenghua thought about it for a moment, he gave up the idea and found another way to ridicule.

The holy energy forced the chaotic power of the five elements back into the meridians, slowly flowing away.

"This, this is..." Liang Yicheng soon noticed what Gu Fenghua was doing, and his eyes widened in surprise.

The method of operating the power of the five elements is mostly different from the Chen Xing Sect's cultivation method, but there are similarities. It seems that Gu Fenghua knew the ancestral secrets of their Chen Xing Sect and conveniently perfected it.

However, how could she know the ancestral secrets of her sect, and how could she change it at will? You must know that the cultivation techniques of Wuji Shengtianneng that have been passed down to this day have all been refined by countless predecessors. Even a slight change, or even a slight mistake during the cultivation, may lead to a devilish death without burial.

Is Gu Fenghua saving people or killing people? In an instant, Liang Yicheng's back was soaked with cold sweat.

He had long been prepared to face death and had made arrangements for his funeral. Of course he was not afraid of death, but he never thought that he would die in such an inexplicable way?

But soon, he realized something was wrong again. The chaotic power of the five elements was forced back into the meridians by Gu Fenghua. It flowed in a line that was similar to his ancestral mental method. The speed became faster and faster, without any hindrance. More importantly, there was no obstruction between them. The rejection is getting smaller and smaller, and there is a faint sense of mutual support and mutual restraint.

And the holy energy that had been broken and dissociated gradually converged and condensed, becoming ethereal and light, seeming to contain endless mysteries.

"How is this possible, how is this possible!" Liang Yicheng was completely stunned.

Obviously, Gu Fenghua was using another set of mental training methods to help him regain his holy energy and reshape the five elements.

In fact, his Chenxing Qi Refining Technique, which is not taught outside the Chenxing Sect, uses a similar method to maintain the balance of the five elements.

Judging from the current results, although this mental method has some similarities with his Chenxing Qi Refining Technique, it is obviously not many times more advanced and sophisticated than Chenxing Qi Refining Technique.

As far as Liang Yicheng knew, the Patriarch spent his entire life trying to refine the Chenxing Qi Refining Technique, and finally achieved some success under the guidance of Senior Zhuge Guanxing, the first city lord of Guanxing City and a peerless powerhouse of his generation. Later, after being tempered and refined by countless seniors, this set of cultivation methods gradually became perfect.

Although it is said to be perfect, the Chenxing Artifact Refining Technique actually has many flaws. Otherwise, with his fourth-grade Emperor Saint cultivation level, there is no way he would be able to recover from a serious injury.

He had also thought about further improving the technique, but after spending half his life thinking about it, he realized that what he could think of, those senior experts had already thought that there was no possibility of improving the technique at all - unless he was willing to give up that technique. The power of the five elements.

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