What is extremely surprising is that Zhen Fengliu's old face was distorted by pain, but her eyes were clearly full of joy, comfortable and comfortable, as she was stabbed one after another by the golden needles that pierced the cow. .

Could it be that this is the legendary pain and happiness!

Could it be that this is the legendary natural masochist?

Everyone looked at each other in a cold sweat.

Finally, with Gu Fenghua's final injection, the power of the Phoenix penetrated into his body. In the Zhenfeng fluid, the power of the divine beast that was roaring and galloping out of control suddenly quieted down, gradually dissipated, and fell silent again.

"Okay, okay, hahahaha, I knew that as long as Fenghua was there... oh!" Although I had long known that with Gu Fenghua's medical skills, as long as Liang Yicheng was cured, my life would be safe, but when that The power of the divine beast fell silent again, but Zhen Fengliu couldn't help but feel happy. Before Gu Fenghua could pull out the golden needle, he jumped up... Then, the thick and long golden needle pierced his lower abdomen, and Zhen Fengliu screamed. , and fell back down.

"Sect Master Zhen, can't you wait any longer?" Gu Fenghua rolled his eyes helplessly and put away the golden needle.

I thought this old guy was really not afraid of death, but I didn't expect that he would be so happy when he was saved. He was not afraid of stabbing him alive if he missed it.

"Haha, I am too happy too." Zhen Fengliu stood up holding her stomach. Although there was still blood between his fingers, his smile was as happy as he could be.

He is indeed a born masochist. He has been stabbed like this and yet he can still laugh so happily! As a result, the cold sweat on everyone's forehead flowed like a waterfall.

Luo Enen and others were thoughtful: No wonder the major sects in the Xuanji Region are so afraid of the Yelang Sect. With such a ruthless person as the sect leader, what can't they do? Fortunately, this ruthless man is not too strong. Otherwise, if he provokes them, it would not be as simple as tearing down people's yards, burning people's houses, and throwing things at other people's doorsteps.

"Sect Master Zhen, you are seriously injured this time. It's better to sit down and recover from the injury first." Gu Fenghua took out a few bottles of healing holy pills and handed them to Zhen Fengliu.

It can be seen that compared to the last time they were separated, Zhen Fengliu's strength has improved somewhat, and the power of the divine beast in his body is also a bit stronger than before, so this time he went crazy and was even more seriously injured.

"Thank you so much Fenghua." Zhen Fengliu owed Gu Fenghua so many favors that he couldn't even repay them. Anyway, he had so many lice that he didn't have to worry about debts, so he didn't show any politeness. He took the holy elixir and drank it, and practiced with his legs crossed. stand up.

"Thank you, Senior Gu, for saving my sect master's life. I am deeply grateful." The two sect disciples in the hall finally calmed down and prostrated themselves on the ground, shouting loudly.

The shouts were deafening, and the entire hall trembled.

If Gu Fenghua hadn't come to the rescue, the two sect masters would have died. Although they had already made wills to pass on the position of sect master to their disciples, Tang Junhou and Jing Lichen were still too young and weak. I'm afraid it will be difficult to take on the heavy responsibility. If you are lucky, you may be able to pass on the two sects reluctantly. If you are not lucky, it is not surprising that the two sects fall apart.

Gu Fenghua saved not only two sect leaders, but also two major sects!

At this moment, everyone bowed to the ground and looked at Gu Fenghua's young and beautiful face, with tears of gratitude in their eyes.

Luo Enen and Weng Yuanming held their heads high and their chests high, both with proud faces - proud of their best friends and their sect masters.

It was late at night, but outside the Chenxing Sect's main hall, the lights were still brightly lit.

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