My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4337 4337 Keep pestering Gu Fenghua

Although everyone knows that Ye Yunji's strength far exceeds his cultivation level, no matter how strong he is, he can't be stronger than the ninth grade Emperor Saint. Even the joint sword attack of Gu Fenghua and Luo En'en failed to achieve anything, and he was even shocked. How can he get better if he has to vomit blood? At this moment, everyone was anxious and their backs were soaked in cold sweat.

However, an unexpected scene appeared again.

The black mist did not rush towards Ye Yunji as they expected, but suddenly changed its direction and swept towards Gu Fenghua.

The four of them can't do anything with the power of this divine beast, and Gu Fenghua alone will definitely be in even greater danger. Everyone's expressions changed drastically, their hearts beat wildly, and they almost burst into tears.

Gu Fenghua frowned slightly, with a look of doubt in his eyes, but his expression became more solemn.

Strictly speaking, the power of the divine beast contained in this black mist is actually not too strong, and it will definitely not be stronger than their concentrated sword, which is as powerful as the ninth-grade Emperor Saint. However, why is there such a powerful sword that there is nothing that can be done with the power of this divine beast?

Where does the power of this mythical beast come from, and why is it so weird? Like Weng Yuanming and others, Gu Fenghua also had the same doubts in his heart.

Of course, there is no answer to this question for a while. However, she knew very well that if she didn't know the origin of this divine beast's power, couldn't find its weakness, and couldn't think of a way to restrain it, even if her cultivation level were a little stronger, she would still be helpless against it. Therefore, Gu Fenghua did not rush to take action to avoid wasting his holy energy. Instead, he swayed to avoid the attack of the black mist.

Fortunately, even without that concentrated sword, she was still a strong person of the seventh level of Emperor Saint. At this time, she was running the holy energy with all her strength, and her body shape was almost at its extreme. That graceful figure turned into afterimages, like a white cloud floating in the wind. It was not only full of beauty, but also mysterious.

"What a wonderful movement!" Weng Yuanming and others couldn't help but secretly praise it.

Although their cultivation level is not weak, let alone relying on eyesight at this time, even if they concentrate their spiritual thoughts, they can't "see" Gu Fenghua's figure clearly, let alone capture her movement trajectory.

With such body skills, even if there is nothing she can do with the power of this weird beast, she will definitely have no problem protecting herself.

With this thought in their hearts, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, just a moment later, their hearts suddenly sank again.

Although Gu Fenghua easily avoided the first attack of the divine beast with his body skills, the divine beast refused to give up and chased after him like a shadow.

In the courtyard, two phantoms, one white and one black, passed quickly. No matter how fast Gu Fenghua was or how mysterious his figure was, he could not get rid of them.

What's going on? Why is the power of this divine beast clinging to Gu Fenghua? It didn't take long for everyone to realize something was wrong.

Although there were so many people in the yard, no one was looking for the power of the divine beast, but it just stuck to Gu Fenghua. Even if the power and spirituality of this divine beast still exists, if he wants to hold the grudge of being imprisoned for tens of thousands of years, he should go to Master and Disciple Zhen Fengliu, right? Why does he have to pester Gu Fenghua?

Having personally experienced the terrifying power of this divine beast, Weng Yuanming and his brothers did not dare to think too much, so they drew their swords and rushed forward.

With the improvement of their cultivation, their long swords could no longer withstand the powerful holy energy. Under normal circumstances, these people would never draw their swords easily, but at this time, they were worried about the safety of their lord, so they could not care so much. .

Seeing them take action, the others suppressed their injuries and at the same time drew their swords and flew out.

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