My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4340 4340 Naturally repelling each other

However, after retreating a full three feet away, Gu Fenghua stabilized his figure, but there was no trace of joy in his eyes.

This time, she finally felt clearly how strange the power of the divine beast was. The energy of this power was so heavy, oppressive, and lifeless. It was completely different from the Phoenix Power in her body, and completely different from the ancient ferocious beasts such as the roe deer and the roe deer owl that she had encountered before.

There is neither the sanctity and majesty of the phoenix divine bird nor the cruelty and ferocity of ancient ferocious beasts such as the roe deer and owl, but it can easily dissolve their holy energy, so that their sword, which is comparable to the ninth grade of the emperor's saint, cannot be suppressed at all. Can't live with it.

Gu Fenghua had an intuition that the power of the divine beast was naturally incompatible with the Phoenix Power in his body. If the Phoenix Power represented light, then it represented darkness!

Light and darkness are not inherently good or evil, nor are they strong or weak. They are purely opposed to each other and naturally restrained. In fact, this is also part of the way of heaven and earth.

If her Phoenix Power was intact, she wouldn't be afraid of this dark beast's power. But the problem is that she only has four Phoenix Powers, and the last one has not been found, so she can't restrain the opponent at all.

The successful attack just now was actually due to the power of her bloodline. However, after all the hard work in the past few days, only a trace of bloodline power was released. After one sword strike, this trace of bloodline power was completely exhausted. Next, she What should I do to deal with this weird power of the beast?

Zhen Fengliu and Liang Yicheng knew nothing about Gu Fenghua's bloodline power, and were still secretly surprised. However, Weng Yuanming and others had some understanding, and noticed that Gu Fenghua was not at all relaxed, or even more solemn, and they quickly Unable to feel happy, he nervously held the hilt of the sword again.

The hoarse, dull and painful roar of the beast was still echoing in his ears, and the huge black mist surged crazily. Gradually, a beast's shadow appeared vaguely in front of him.

"Nine Nether Demonic Mirage, it's the Nine Nether Demonic Mirage!" Exclaims rang out at the same time, everyone's expressions suddenly changed drastically, and their eyes were even more horrified.

This beast's shadow is round and flat, like a huge river clam, and the lines on the clam's shell are like natural runes. The clam shell opened, and the thick black mist inside squirmed like clam meat, and three huge heads grew out. They looked similar to snails that had been enlarged countless times, but they gave people such a dark and cold feeling. , so lifeless.

This is not the legendary Nine Nether Demonic Mirage.

Strictly speaking, the Nine Nether Demon Mirage is not a divine beast, and it cannot even be counted as a monster.

Because both mythical beasts and demonic beasts need to eat vegetation, fruits or meat to maintain their life needs, and they need to absorb and refine the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to increase their strength. This is not fundamentally different from humans. Even demonic plants need to take root in the earth to absorb nutrients, and rely on absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to increase their strength.

The Nine Nether Demonic Mirage, however, relies entirely on the darkest and most sinister necromantic energy between heaven and earth to maintain its life and thereby increase its strength. This evil spirit of death is either created by heaven and earth itself, or it comes from other living beings. Generally speaking, it is mostly the latter.

As the saying goes, all things have animism. As long as there is spirituality, there will inevitably be resentment and resentment at the time of death. This resentment and hatred will gather together and never disperse, becoming the evil spirit of the dead. The more powerful the creature is, the stronger the evil spirit of the dead will be after death.

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