My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4349 4349 Everyone was shocked

The golden sword light was like a dragon coming out of the sea, hitting the talisman formation head first. In an instant, golden light shone in all directions, and the talisman formation formed by the sky and the earth was actually cut through by Ye Yunji's sword.

However, the sword light shattered at the same time, and Ye Yunji felt very uncomfortable. With a soft "chichi" sound, more than ten blood spots appeared on his body and spread quickly.

What a powerful force! Weng Yuanming and others were shocked.

Gu Fenghua's heart also sank suddenly. No wonder Ye Yunji relied on his blood to forcefully suppress his cultivation. It turned out that the restriction between heaven and earth was so terrifying!

Before Ye Yunji could catch his breath, thunder started again, light flew out, and another talisman formation fell. Compared to before, this talisman array was larger, more complex, and more solid.

Ye Yunji had no choice but to grit his teeth and slash towards the sky with another sword.

The talisman formation broke open again, and a few more bright blood flowers appeared on Ye Yunji's white holy robe.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..." Thunders came and went, and talisman formations fell one after another.

One after another golden sword light also struck at the talisman array.

The stream of light in mid-air is scattered with fireworks, like the most dazzling fireworks in a grand festival.

At some point, the white holy robe on Ye Yunji's body had been dyed red. It seemed to be even more dazzling than the brilliant fireworks, yet so poignant.

Everyone in the courtyard clenched their fists tightly, and their holy robes were soaked with sweat at some point.

Such vast heavenly power has far exceeded the power of the Six Tribulations when they were promoted to Emperor Saint. If it were anyone else, even those who were in the eighth level of the Emperor's Saint would have been blown to pieces by the power contained in each of these talisman formations, or even directly turned into nothingness. They could not imagine how Ye Yunji could persist. Until now.

However, at this time, he was covered in blood, even the palm holding the sword was dripping with blood, and his figure was even more shaky. It was obvious that he could not hold on for long.

The only thing that made everyone secretly happy was that the Nine Nether Demon Mirage was probably frightened by the vast power of the sky. It trembled on the ground and did not take this opportunity to attack Ye Yunji.

However, even if it doesn't take action, how long can Ye Yunji hold on? Seeing that the talisman formations were still falling endlessly, everyone was anxious.

"One sword, cut off the Great Desolation!" Seeing another talisman formation fall, Gu Fenghua flew up, drew his sword and slashed towards it.

"Jiutian, Phantom Thunder!"

"Beidou, Ba Tian!"

"Holy soul, the sky is broken!" Luo Enen, Bai Fatty, and Ye Wuse had a clear understanding of each other, and they also drew their swords and flew forward to slash.

The four sword lights converged into one, creating a majestic and shocking momentum.

In the sky, brilliant fireworks bloomed again, and the talisman formation was cut through by Gu Fenghua and the four of them with one sword.

However, just as the talisman formation broke open, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen groaned and flew out at the same time. When they landed, gorgeous blood flowers appeared on their bodies.

Gu Fenghua was a little better and could barely stabilize his body. Luo Enen and others fell heavily to the ground, holding their swords in their hands, but they couldn't stand up.

A sword comparable to the ninth grade Emperor Saint could only barely break through the heaven and earth talisman formation. Gu Fenghua and the others who took action were seriously injured by the terrifying power of heaven! Seeing this scene, Liang Yicheng's face was even more horrified.

Weng Yuanming and others also trembled all over, looking even more horrified than him. Liang Yicheng didn't know much about the joint sword attack by Gu Fenghua and others, and he didn't know the secret, but they knew it very well. This sword is actually both offensive and defensive. Not only is the power of the sword comparable to that of the ninth-grade Emperor Saint, but the defense is probably not much worse. However, even so, Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse were still seriously injured. Gu Fenghua I'm afraid it will hurt a lot.

How powerful and terrifying is the power contained in this heaven and earth talisman array!

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