My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4356 4356 Be prepared to die!

Its gaze is unwavering, yet so absolute.

Seeing such a look, Gu Fenghua's heart seemed to have been pierced by a long sword, and boundless pain came again.

Obviously, Motian didn't think that Ye Yunji could survive this disaster at all. Even it itself was ready to die!

Behind Mo Tian, ​​Ye Yunji was flying in the sky, and his aura was still increasing.

The middle stage, late stage, peak stage, ninth stage, ninth stage, middle stage, late stage, and peak stage of Emperor Saint...

Gu Fenghua pursed her lips tightly, and there were bloody tears in her eyes.

She could no longer see through Ye Yunji's cultivation. It seemed that his cultivation had exceeded the limit of Wuji Holy Heaven.

No, that's not right! Gu Fenghua suddenly realized that the growing aura on Ye Yunji's body did not come entirely from his cultivation, but from his bloodline! Motian helped suppress not only his cultivation, but also the power of his bloodline!

In the sky, the rumbling sound of thunder suddenly stopped, and the talisman array that had just fallen halfway disappeared out of thin air, but the other talisman arrays overlapped and converged with each other, giving people an even more depressing feeling.

"Buzz..." A buzz sounded in his mind, and the whole world fell into complete silence at this moment.

All the talismans were completely overlapped and gathered together to form a brand new talisman array. All the power of heaven and earth was condensed in it and fell towards Ye Yunji.

"Dragon Sword, Wuzun!" Ye Yunji roared loudly and slashed out with one sword.

The power of blood pours out with this sword. The whole world was dyed with a layer of golden light.

This sword seems to be able to cut through the nine heavens, cut through the void, and destroy everything in the world.

However, looking at Ye Yunji's tall and majestic figure, the people below clenched their fists and trembled all over, unable to relax no matter what.

Just as Ye Yun slashed out this sword, the long black hair that was dancing in the wind instantly turned white, and that handsome face turned hundreds of years older in the blink of an eye.

Although they didn't know what was going on, everyone had an uneasy premonition in their hearts, which was so strong.

Gu Fenghua was also shocked, and Ye Yunji's words echoed in his ears again.

When he was promoted to Emperor Saint, why did he go to the collapsed space? One is because he does not want to be noticed by outsiders when he releases the power of his bloodline, and the other is because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in Wuji Holy Heaven simply cannot meet his needs for promotion. This situation is actually somewhat similar to those three naughty children.

Previously, he was unexpectedly promoted and his cultivation reached the eighth level of Emperor Saint. He must have encountered the problem of insufficient spiritual energy. In order to avoid the limit of heaven and earth coming early, he had to suppress his cultivation. At this time, with the help of the power of blood, he once again forcibly improved his cultivation. Of course, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was even more insufficient, so that he had to sacrifice his vitality and life span to make up for the lack of spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

This also means that even if he really blocks the forbidden power of heaven, his life will still be difficult to save.

"No——!!!" Gu Fenghua cried out sadly.

The golden needles pierced between the eyebrows, the heavenly spirit, and the heart pulse flew out. Seven golden holy beads appeared on the forehead. Behind him, seven holy soul beads flew around the body. The faint golden light was so dim, but it flickered like a candle. The faint golden light merged to form a star point, and the faint light also flickered like a candle.

Relying on the technique of piercing the soul with golden needles, she has stimulated all her potential to the extreme. The only thing she can do now is to self-destruct the holy soul, the self-destruction of the holy bead, or even the self-destruction of the holy soul!

"Bang, bang, bang..." The holy soul exploded, and the soul beads and holy beads also exploded one after another.

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