My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4361 4361 He will never live alone

"Brother Ye, save Fenghua, you have a way, right, you must have a way." Luo Enen suddenly raised his head and said almost pleadingly with the last glimmer of hope.

Ye Yunji pursed her lips tightly and said nothing. In her eyes, there was only the sadness and loneliness of death.

That's too late! If he were in the Supreme Heaven, he would still be able to think of a way, but here is the Supreme Heaven. It is as difficult as climbing to the sky to save his glory. The most important thing is that his heart is broken and his vitality is passing quickly like water from a bursting embankment. There is no time at all. .

Ye Yunji smiled miserably and held Gu Fenghua's hand again, but the holy energy rushed towards his heart.

There is a broad agreement between life and death, and it was said to Zicheng. Hold your son's hand and grow old with him.

If Gu Fenghua dies, he will never live alone. The moment she dies, that is the moment he dies!

Seeing Ye Yunji's bleak smile, Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse said nothing. At this moment, their hearts have died, and they just want to be with Gu Fenghua forever and follow her forever.

Not only them, but also Weng Yuanming and his brothers looked hopeless. All their hopes and lifelong ideals fall on Gu Fenghua. If she dies, where will they go? Will they continue to live in confusion as before? Rather than that, it's better to just let her go.

"This is..." Suddenly, Ye Yunji raised his head, and another ray of light flashed in his eyes.

"The forbidden barrier of the ancestor's ancestral hall has been restored." Zhen Fengliu smiled bitterly.

Only then did everyone notice that unknowingly, three hours had passed and the forbidden barrier opened by Zhen Fengliu had been restored again. If this restriction was restored earlier, it might be possible to use it to withstand the talisman array of heaven and earth, but now that Fenghua has become like this, what's the use of restoring it?

"Fenghua can still be saved, we can be saved!" Ye Yunji cheered up and stood up suddenly. Because of the injury, he spat out a mouthful of blood, but he didn't care at all. He picked up Gu Fenghua in his arms and headed towards the night wave. Rush to the ancestral temple.

When he was about to rush into the door, he stopped slightly, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he turned to the Nine Nether Demon Mirage.

The legendary ancient beast seemed to be frightened by the supreme power of heaven and the sky-shattering swords of Ye Yunji and Gu Fenghua. It did not take the opportunity to escape from the backyard, but trembled and crawled on the ground, with only one huge piece left. The head also retracted into the clam shell.

However, relying on the instinctive intuition of danger from ancient beasts, it still sensed Ye Yunji's unkind gaze, and quickly stretched out its head, and its snail-like face, enlarged countless times, revealed an anthropomorphic and flattering smile.

Ye Yunji said nothing and entered the ancestral hall with a sullen face. Black mist rolled behind him, and Jiuyou Demon Mirage also followed in, trembling all over.

"Bang!" The door closed.

Luo Enen and others were shocked by Ye Yunji's words, and they didn't come back to their senses until now.

"What did Brother Ye just say? He said Fenghua can still be saved?" Luo Enen looked at this and that and asked uncertainly.

Everyone knew clearly how serious Gu Fenghua's injuries were, and everyone could also clearly see the intention to die in Ye Yunji's eyes earlier. Although his words of "fenghua can save you" seemed to still echo in her ears, like thunder exploding, she still couldn't believe her ears.

"Well, that's what Brother Ye said." Fatty Bai said with certainty.

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