My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4369 4369 Only half the success!

"Succeeded, master, you succeeded!" Motian appeared and shouted with ecstasy.

All this seems simple and easy, but it knows what a narrow escape is. Ye Yunji has actually gone through the gate of hell just now, or even countless times. As long as there is a little bit of Italian food, he will definitely not escape death!

Not far away, the Nine Nether Demon Mirage, which had been condensed to the point of being less than half a fist, also raised its remaining snail-like head, revealing a look of anthropomorphic ecstasy.

It succeeded, it finally managed to save its life! If the demon spirit could cry, it would definitely cry with joy, and the tears accumulated for tens of thousands of years would flow like a flood.

"Only half the success!" Ye Yunjie said quietly, slowly removing the blood from his heart.

There is no suppression of the blood nor the help of the devil, but this time, the power of the blood is no longer strange. This is certainly related to the enchantment of the ancestral hall, but at the same time, it is also related to the return of the blood.

When he first came to Wuji Holy Heaven, he was also seriously injured. Not only his spiritual roots were severely damaged, but his soul was also severely damaged. Over the years, relying on his innate physique far beyond the normal human body, his meridians and soul gradually recovered, but his body's blood vessels But it can never be perfectly integrated with the soul.

It is precisely for this reason that every time he took a shot in the past, he would be seriously injured and it would take a long time to recover. Only the power of ancient divine beasts can help him unite his blood and soul. But that is only temporary. As the cultivation level increases, the body and soul change quietly, and the blood and soul will be separated again.

But this time, relying on the power of the Nine Nether Demonic Mirage, he finally returned to his true form and merged into one perfect body!

However, for him, this is only half the battle. If he can't save his glory, it will be meaningless.

The palm of his hand covered Gu Fenghua's chest, and vitality burst out of his body.

Beside him, Motian looked shocked, and Jiuyou Momirage's eyes also lit up fiercely.

This vitality is so boundless and endless. Even if they are the legendary ancient dragons or the prehistoric demon spirits that everyone has heard of, they have never had such a powerful vitality, and they don't even want to imagine that there are people in the world who have such a powerful vitality!

Life flowed into Gu Fenghua's body, and a layer of ruddy color gradually appeared on her beautiful and pale face. Her broken heart seemed to be pulled by an invisible force and returned to one place, and the traces of fragmentation were quickly healed.

Motian let out a long sigh of relief. With such a powerful vitality, even if his heart is broken into debris or even his vitality is gone, he can bring him back to life.

Thinking of this, there was a trace of sadness in its heart: thinking back then, it was seriously injured and did not die on the spot, but fought its way out of the siege at the last moment. Unfortunately, the injury was too serious, and it finally faced death helplessly. Or if it encountered Ye Yunji at that time, it would surely be able to survive, so how could it die so miserably?

It had forgotten that with its arrogance and violent temper back then, how could it be possible for it to easily recognize Ye Yunji as its master? If it really encountered him, it would only die faster and more miserably, without even a chance of Nirvana and rebirth.

"Crack!" Suddenly, a soft sound came from Gu Fenghua. This soft sound was almost inaudible, but it did not escape the keen hearing of the ancient demon dragon in the demon sky.

In an instant, Motian's face changed drastically, and his eyes were even more horrified.

Gu Fenghua's heart, which was about to heal, actually ruptured again!

"Impossible, this is impossible!" Motian almost shouted these words.

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