My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4373 4373 It’s not completely impossible

Nirvana! Gu Fenghua finally understood why he was able to come back to life. This situation was so similar to the Nirvana rebirth of Mo Tian. But the difference is that after Motian's nirvana, it is more like rejuvenating and his strength is greatly reduced, but his own strength is not affected at all, and is even a bit stronger than before.

Obviously, her Nirvana rebirth was due to Ye Yunji's blood.

It turns out that his bloodline is so powerful that not only can he be reborn from nirvana like the ancient dragon, but his strength is not affected in any way and he is only stronger than before. This is the real nirvana, the real rebirth!

However, now that this blood is connected to his own, Ye Yunji naturally has no chance of Nirvana and rebirth. In other words, her life was actually exchanged by Ye Yunji for his other life.

Gu Fenghua wanted to return the blood to Ye Yunji, but after just trying it, she found that the blood had completely become a part of her, and was closely connected with her blood and soul, even if she risked her life. If he were forcibly separated, his blood would only dissipate with his death, but it would be impossible to return it to Ye Yunji.

In the end, she could only give up this useless effort.

She knew that even if she was willing to give up her life, Ye Yunji would not let her do so. He paid such a high price to save her life, not just to see her commit suicide and die again. Gu Fenghua is not the kind of person who is always looking for life and death, so of course he will not do such boring things.

"Don't worry about me, it's just losing the chance of Nirvana. It doesn't hinder me. If one day, I need to rely on my blood to save my life, it will be a complete failure.

You still don’t know that, except for the Phoenix clan, the other divine beasts appear to be reborn after their nirvana and rebirth. In fact, their qualifications will still have some subtle changes. In the Wuji Holy Heaven, these subtle changes have little impact, but in the Supreme Heaven, they will last forever. irreparable defects.

Therefore, if one day I have to rely on blood nirvana to save my life, even if there is hope of living, I will never live in this world. "Ye Yunji said comfortingly. He knew that with Gu Fenghua's keen six senses, he could easily detect the mystery of blood, so he didn't have to hide anything.

There was still a faint smile on his face, but his sharp eyebrows showed an innate pride.

Hearing what he said, Gu Fenghua felt a little more relaxed. Ye Yunji's detachment, indifference, and even his game-like cynicism were actually all due to his pride.

If one day he needs to rely on blood to survive, his qualifications will be greatly affected and irreparable shortcomings will be left. For him, it will not only be a complete failure, but also the greatest shame in life.

"But you don't have to worry. If you can refine the Phoenix Power, you must have the blood of the Phoenix family. If it weren't for the incomplete Phoenix Power, this rupture of your heart will definitely not hurt your life. So this Nirvana will not hurt you. It has no impact at all." Ye Yunji continued to comfort him.

Gu Fenghua secretly felt ashamed. She only thought about Ye Yunji and never thought about the impact this Nirvana rebirth would have on her. As expected, those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are dark. After spending a long time with Luo Enen, my nerves have become so big.

Poor Miss Luo, innocently shot.

"Is there really no way to return it to you?" Although Gu Fenghua found a reason to comfort herself, she felt a little better, but thinking of what Ye Yunji had done for herself and feeling the endless vitality in her blood, she But it's still hard to let go.

"It's not completely impossible. If one day, you are strong enough, you can do it." Ye Yunji said.

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