My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4376 4376 He made a comeback today

Zhen and Liang's hearts sank again. These three people were wearing bamboo hats and loose linen clothes. They didn't want to see their identities, so how could they be so easily persuaded.

"Where's Gu Fenghua, get out of here!" Yuan Daoling glanced at everyone's faces one by one, and then shouted sharply.

He made a comeback today, not only for the power of the sacred beast that Yelang Sect has protected for generations, but also to avenge Gu Fenghua.

I had already made up my mind to give Gu Fenghua a thunderous blow with the assistance of these three masters as soon as I saw her, but at a glance, I didn't see her figure.

He was really too afraid of Gu Fenghua. Seeing that she was not around, he didn't dare to take action easily.

In fact, it was not only Gu Fenghua who was missing, but also Ye Yunji. However, he did not want to affect Gu Fenghua's cultivation. Ye Yunji always deliberately kept a low profile and even concealed his energy. Unless he paid special attention or saw him taking action, he would accidentally ignore his existence, and Yuandaoling was no exception. .

Of course, he wouldn't know at this time that he was careless and ignored the people he shouldn't ignore, and what a huge mistake he made.

Hearing him mention Gu Fenghua, Zhen Fengliu and others felt uneasy again and subconsciously clenched the hilt of their swords.

I don't know what Gu Fenghua's situation is now. Maybe he is at the critical moment of life and death. No matter what, he cannot let Yuandaoling ruin the big event. Everyone's expressions became so solemn.

The air in the courtyard seemed to solidify and became unusually depressing.

Noticing the changes in their expressions and the alertness in their eyes, Yuan Daoling thought: Could it be that Gu Fenghua was in trouble?

Looking at where the other party was standing, his eyes passed through the gaps in the crowd and landed on the ancient ancestral hall, but his heart sank slightly: Could it be that Gu Fenghua was in that ancestral hall.

Yuandaoling had a somewhat ominous premonition in his heart.

He knew that the legendary power of the beast was hidden in the ancestral hall. I think back then, the Shengyuan Sect was severely damaged by the power of this divine beast, and it never recovered. For thousands of years, the sect's later generations of sect leaders have never thought about seizing the power of this divine beast. Only in this way can the Shengyuan Sect regain its former glory. .

How can we allow others to have access to the power of this divine beast?

Without further words, Yuandaoling strode towards the ancestral hall.

"Buzz..." With a trembling sound, Weng Yuanming and others slashed out with their swords at the same time.

Upon seeing this, the disciples of the Shengyuan Sect behind them all looked stern.

Not to mention the others, Weng Yuanming, Yao Wenshan, Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse are all strong men of the sixth level of Emperor Saint, especially the last three, even without Gu Fenghua, relying on each other The souls are connected, and with a single sword, they have surpassed their own cultivation and reached the peak of the seventh level of the Emperor's Saint. They are only one step away from reaching the eighth level of the Emperor's Saint.

Although Yuandaoling himself is a powerful person of the eighth level of the Emperor's Saint, he will never be able to deal with it easily when faced with the siege of several people from the other side who are exerting all their strength. But this time, their worries were unnecessary. Seeing the sword beams slashing towards him, Yuan Daoling just snorted coldly, still holding his hands behind his back, and walked forward as if there was no one else around.

Behind them, three linen men waved their hands at the same time, their broad sleeves squeaked, and the tyrannical holy energy surged.

Weng Yuanming and others didn't even see clearly how they took action. They felt their body light up and then hit the wall behind them hard. Luo Enen, Bai Fatty, and Ye Wuse who were blocking the door flew directly in. door.

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