My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4379 4379 actually dares to come back

Only those who are most familiar with Gu Fenghua will know what kind of anger is hidden behind that cold gaze.

Having experienced the abyss of death, only one step away from sinking into the endless darkness forever, Gu Fenghua cared more about and cherished the friends around him.

No one, no matter who he is, no matter how powerful he is, can never hurt her friends, never!

"Gu, Feng, Hua!" Yuan Daoling's target was not Luo Enen and others. When he saw Gu Fenghua finally appeared, he suddenly stopped, gritted his teeth, and read out Gu Fenghua's name word by word.

From the moment he can remember, leading the Shengyuan Sect back to the Wuji Holy Heaven and regaining its former glory has been his only belief. For this reason, he did not know how much effort he put in, forcing himself to break through every bottleneck, and even walking on the edge of death again and again.

Finally reaching the eighth level of Emperor Saint, he brought the Holy Yuan Sect back to the sky, and he was the first to take the Yelang Sect's sacrificial flag. I thought that with the strength of my eighth-grade Emperor Saint and the help of the elders of the major sects, I would be able to become famous in one battle and revive the prestige of the Holy Yuan Sect. While avenging his past revenge, he can also gain the power of the divine beast and protect Saint Yuan Zong from worries for thousands of years. Who would have expected that it would be crushed in the hands of Gu Fenghua.

Yuan Daoling hated Gu Fenghua to death. If looks could kill, the Gu Fenghua in front of him would have been cut into pieces by him.

The gaze obviously cannot kill, and Yuan Daoling was not in a hurry to take action.

After all, Gu Fenghua had stayed at the Yelang Clan Ancestral Temple for so long, and she didn’t know what she had done. She didn’t know if the power of the divine beast had fallen into her hands. What if she had a sudden change of heart and destroyed the power of the divine beast? what to do? Although this possibility is unlikely, the power of the divine beast cannot be destroyed easily, but it still has to be guarded against - their most fundamental purpose in killing the Yelang Sect is to seize the power of the divine beast, and they cannot do it because of personal grudges It ruined the sect's affairs.

Even if Yuan Daoling hated Gu Fenghua to death, he didn't dare to take action easily.

Seeing Gu Fenghua escape from death, Weng Yuanming and others were excited and ecstatic, and almost cried with joy - since becoming the founder of the Burning Sky Sect, the three saints of Moyun who once killed people without batting an eye have become extremely fragile, and their noses are always broken. Sour.

However, now is obviously not the time to cry. Several people moved and came to Gu Fenghua's side.

Although Yuan Daoling on the opposite side gritted his teeth and looked almost murderous, they no longer had the uneasiness they had before, but looked calm and calm: The old man is strong, but no matter how strong he is, can he be stronger than the power of heaven and earth? Even such power of heaven and earth cannot kill the sect leader, who else in the world can kill her!

Speaking of which, except for my sect leader and Mr. Ye, who else in the world can save his life under such heavenly power? I'm afraid even the three saints don't have that ability. The more Weng Yuanming and others thought about it, the more proud they became. They all held their heads high, chests trembling, looking at Yuan Daoling provocatively, and they couldn't help but get sullen.

Luo Enen, Fatty Bai, and Ye Wuse also retracted their swords and looked at Yuandaoling with a bit of pity in their eyes: Just leave, you dare to come back, isn't this looking for death, look at this old man You are already very old, so why is your brain so hard to use?

As soon as they saw Gu Fenghua's familiar figure and the coldness and calmness in her eyes, all their previous hesitation and uneasiness disappeared instantly. They only knew one thing, this old man was dead. Even if you don't die, life is worse than death!

"Hand over the Yelang Sect's treasure, and I will spare your life!" Yuan Daoling said to Gu Fenghua with a sullen expression.

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