My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4384 4384 There is such a magic in the world!

That kind of pain can make life worse than death even for a moment, but they have to bear it day by day, so they might as well just stab themselves to death with a sword. But Fenghua also said that unless the body is completely reduced to nothingness and the soul is completely dissipated, he will never be reincarnated. If he becomes like this ghost, even if he is stabbed with ten swords, hundreds of swords and thousands of swords, he will still be unable to escape the pain.

You will never be reincarnated for eternity. This is indeed an eternity without reincarnation.

"I didn't expect that there would be such evil magic in the world!" Luo Enen said, trembling.

"It's not a complete sorcery. Although the people who first thought about the method of killing souls did have selfish motives, when the disaster came, there were many strong people who relied on this secret method to maintain their cultivation and compete with each other. The world-destroying Zichen made a last-ditch effort and saved thousands of people." Gu Fenghua said.

According to the records of a school, practicing the art of killing souls is indeed called an evil art. It is gradually lost because it is too evil. However, since some people can save people by relying on it, it cannot be regarded as a completely evil art.

Of course, it didn't matter whether it was a witchcraft or not. Anyway, she had experienced similar pain personally, so she would never touch this ancient secret technique.

"So, the reason why the Shengyuan Sect tried so hard to seize the Yelang Sect's treasure is actually because of them?" Zhen Fengliu looked at the three soul-killing Taoist bodies and said thoughtfully.

Since cultivating the soul-killing Taoist body requires the use of Yinsha dead spirit energy, this is naturally why Shengyuan Sect decided to fight the Nine Nether Demonic Mirage. Where can today's Wuji Holy Heaven find such abundant Yin evil spirit of death? Who else can take advantage of it if not the Nine Nether Demon Mirage?

"Not bad." This time, before Gu Fenghua could speak, Yuan Daoling nodded.

The Shengyuan Sect has been famous for thousands of years and is known as the head of the Eighteen Saint Sects in the Xuanji Region. It actually relies on the elixir left by the founder of the sect. However, the panacea will eventually run out. Thousands of years ago, the Shengyuan Sect began to decline and gradually went downhill.

At that time, the sect leader and several elders knew that for the sake of the false reputation of being the head of the Eighteen Holy Sects, the Shengyuan Sect had offended countless sects and forged countless mortal enemies. Once it fell, it would only end up with the sect exterminated.

In order to prevent their great foundation from being destroyed, they racked their brains and searched through various secrets passed down by the sect since ancient times. They found a seal in the handbook left by the founder of the sect. After breaking it forcefully, they discovered the soul-killing method. The method of physical cultivation.

Because practicing the soul-killing Taoist body was too evil and too painful to harm the world, the founder of the sect sealed it. However, for the sake of the safety of the sect, the sect leader and several elders at that time did not care so much, and just got on the BMW and began to meditate.

After pondering for a while, they realized a problem. After the Wuji Holy Heaven had been peaceful for so many years, how could they find enough Yin evil spirit of death to condense the soul-killing Dao body. Fortunately, they still had sense and did not go crazy and commit murder. Instead, they sent people everywhere to inquire about relevant information.

The Yelang Sect was unlucky, and the news of the Zongzong's treasure somehow fell into the ears of the Shengyuan Sect. Although they were not sure that the Yelang Sect's sect-suppressing treasure contained the evil spirit of death they needed, they still took action boldly.

After the battle, the Yelang Sect suffered heavy casualties, and the Shengyuan Sect was not much better. The five masters, including the sect leader, were all killed by Jiuyou Demon Mirage. Two of them were killed on the spot, and the other three were seriously injured and escaped. Go back Soon, the sect leader and one of the elders died.

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