My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4388 4388 The ecstasy in her eyes

Even though the difference between the seventh-grade Emperor Saint and the eighth-grade Emperor Saint is only one level, for most of the saint masters in Wuji Holy Heaven, this difference is an insurmountable barrier for life. Moreover, they could see that although Elder Yuan was a soul-killing Daoist and had almost completely lost his spiritual intelligence, his strength was by no means inferior to any of the eighth-grade Emperor Saint masters at the same level. Gu Fenghua, with his seventh-grade Emperor Saint cultivation, was able to repel him twice without losing the slightest bit. How could this be possible?

If it weren't for the sect master and the soul-killing Taoist body cultivated by two other sect seniors, they would have almost turned around and fled.

Compared to his disciples, Yuandaoling's expression was of course much calmer.

With this sword shot, the blush on Gu Fenghua's face became a little thicker, and a few beads of sweat rolled down his forehead. It was obvious that the holy energy had been greatly depleted. He still didn't believe that she could keep going like this.

Yuan Daoling was determined, his eyes swept over Luo En'en and the others, and he made up his mind: the moment Luo En'en and the others took action was the time for him to take action!

The secrets of the three soul-killing Dao bodies were finally revealed. The only thing he cared about now was the joint sword attack of Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and others.

Unfortunately, Yuandaoling was wrong. He only noticed the blush on Gu Fenghua's face and the drops of sweat, but did not notice the joy in her eyes. No, not just joy, but ecstasy.

With one strike of the sword, Gu Fenghua's understanding of the Eight Swords of Guiyuan deepened, as if a brand new door had been opened, entering a wonderful world that could not even be imagined before.

The sword's intention was endlessly changing, as mysterious and exquisite as the pen of a god, and its power was more than twice as powerful as before, making Gu Fenghua ecstatic. What surprised him the most was that with this sword strike, the consumption of holy energy was less than one-tenth of the previous level. With the help of the four innate Holy Spirit roots, he could fully recover in a matter of seconds.

This also means that she can strike out with all her strength one sword after another without any scruples, without any reservation at all.

For a long time, the consumption of the Holy Qi of the Eight Swords Guiyuan has been a dead end for her. Although this set of sword skills is shockingly powerful, the consumption of holy energy is too great, and the higher the cultivation level, the higher the sword skills learned, the more terrifying the holy energy consumed. So that every time she used it, she was always restrained and did not dare to do it to her heart's content. Otherwise, she would not be able to defeat her opponent after several sword strikes. She would not even have the ability to protect herself and could only be slaughtered by others.

And at this moment, the problem that had troubled her for a long time was finally solved!

After Yuan Shangqing was knocked back with one sword, Gu Fenghua slashed out with another sword without even stopping. Because of her excitement, the blush on her face became a little brighter.

"At the end of the battle, let's see how long you can hold on!" Yuan Daoling chuckled softly.

Regardless of how Gu Fenghua struck out with three swords in succession, he was evenly matched with Yuan Shengqing, without falling behind at all. Especially this third sword was a bit more sharp than the previous two swords, but in his opinion, this was just Gu Fenghua Shengqing. I was short of energy, so I was impatient and wanted to end the battle as soon as possible, so I had to take action first.

Trying to be strong for a while will eventually end in failure!

If she had been more sensible and joined forces with Luo Enen and others in time, he would have to put in some effort. Unfortunately, young people are young people and are too impulsive. She is still holding on for dear life at this time, which is simply asking for her own death. Yuan Daoling shook his head, loosened his fingers holding the sword hilt, and the holy energy that he secretly raised gradually dissipated.

It seemed that there was no chance for him to avenge his shame today, and he felt an inexplicable loss in his heart.

Seeing Gu Fenghua slashing out three long swords in succession without any loss, Yuan Shaochong and others were still secretly worried, but after hearing Yuan Daoling's words, they breathed a long sigh of relief and felt relieved.

Isn't it right? With Gu Fenghua's seventh-level cultivation as Emperor Saint, how many swords can he sustain with such a powerful sword skill that far exceeds his cultivation level? Although the sword was as fast as lightning and as powerful as thunder, in fact, it had probably exhausted all her holy energy, and it was just the end of a strong crossbow.

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