My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4402 4402 Do you have to go around in such a big circle?

"Brilliant, brilliant!" At this time, Liang Yicheng, who was next to him, gently clapped his palms and looked at Ye Yunji's elegant and free back, sighing with admiration.

"Zongzhu Liang, what are you talking about?" Luo Enen and Tang Junhou looked at Liang Yicheng with doubts on their faces.

"If I guess correctly, Mr. Ye actually made up his mind from the beginning to take the Shengyuan Sect for his own use." Liang Yicheng said.

"Oh, so what? Why did he have to go around in such a big circle without saying anything?" Luo Enen and Tang Junhou continued to wonder.

“Think about it, the Shengyuan Sect has lived in seclusion for so many years, and it took so long to make up its mind to return to the Wuji Holy Heaven. Their minds are filled with thoughts of the sect’s past glory, and everyone is arrogant. How could they easily give in and join other sects? If Young Master Ye comes up and asks Yuandaoling to lead the Shengyuan Sect to join the Burning Heaven Sect, guess what the result will be?" Liang Yicheng asked.

"Probably I won't agree." Luo Enen thought for a while and said.

Not to mention Yuandaoling, when they first met, even the young Shengyuan Sect disciples like Yuan Shaochong had their nostrils pointed to the sky and their eyes raised above their heads. Even if he was frightened by Ye Yunji's terrifying strength, he would probably still refuse to give in when he suddenly heard such conditions.

"Not only will he not agree, but with the stubborn temper of the old man, he will probably rather die than surrender. Without any hesitation, he will immediately blow himself up and die in order to get it over with." Ye Wuse said.

When Yuan Daoling saw Ye Yunji's astonishing strength, he realized that the Shengyuan Sect was in danger today. In order to give his disciples a chance to escape, he immediately made the self-destruct handprint of dying together. They were all decisive in his killing. seen it myself. If Ye Yunji rashly revealed his true intentions, God knows what crazy things the old man would do out of grief and anger.

"Not bad." Liang Yicheng glanced at Ye Wuse approvingly and said, "So Mr. Ye didn't force Sheng Yuan Sect to surrender as soon as he came up. Instead, he stabilized Yuan Daoling's mind first, and then rubbed him away bit by bit. His arrogance, when he finally calmed down and realized clearly that the current Shengyuan Sect has no other way to survive except relying on other powerful sects, things will naturally become much simpler."

"Yes, yes, no wonder Brother Ye didn't show any mercy this time. It turns out that's the reason." Luo Enen finally understood and said excitedly with his eyes shining.

It turns out that Brother Ye’s purpose of selling his life this time is completely different from last time. The last time, it was to teach the Broken Moon Sect a harsh lesson and make a fortune at the same time, but this time, it was entirely to attack Yuandaoling's self-esteem and wear away his arrogance.

As the dignified head of the Holy Sect, and also the head of the Eighteen Holy Sects, Yuandao Ling was deeply hit when he was reduced to spending money to buy his life to protect his safety. He then sold it at a discount again and again, and even used it as a supplement. His head was given away for free, and he must have been severely beaten by Ye Yunji. All his dignity had completely fallen into the dust, and there was no trace of arrogance at all.

It is conceivable that after figuring out the Shengyuan Sect's family fortune, he felt hopeless and helpless, and how lifeless he was. As a result, the previous ambitions were in vain, and the Yuanda Sect Master also completely woke up and recognized the reality.

Even Luo Enen could figure it out, and others were no exception. Looking at Ye Yunji's back, everyone's eyes were full of admiration.

"Then, the elder senator has to agree whether he agrees or not." Tang Junhou listened with interest and said excitedly.

"Nonsense, do they still have a choice?" Luo Enen curled his lips and said disapprovingly.

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