My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4406 4406They finally realized

Seeing their strange looks, Gu Fenghua was a little helpless. With her current weapon refining skills, it is not difficult to refine the protective magic weapon into other objects, but practice makes perfect. After refining it, it is most convenient to refine it into a necklace. Not only is it the fastest, but it also has the strongest defense, so The protective instruments she had left on her body were all necklaces, and each one was more exquisite than the last.

This matter is difficult to explain, and he couldn't explain it clearly at the moment. Gu Fenghua didn't bother to bother and just put the necklace into the hands of Yuandaoling and others.

Immediately, several people's eyes widened suddenly.

Abundant and pure spiritual power flows in the necklace, and the magical and wonderful halo flickers, which actually contains a refreshing lightness. However, it also gives people a feeling of being as solid as a mountain and indestructible.

"Artifact!" Several people exclaimed at the same time.

At this point, they finally realized that they had wrongly blamed Gu Fenghua - these necklaces were actually rare defensive artifacts in the world!

"Actually, it's not a complete artifact. It's just somewhat spiritual and cannot repair itself." Gu Fenghua said calmly.

Judging from Wuji Shengtian's current standards, these defensive necklaces can indeed be called artifacts. However, as his horizons continue to improve, Gu Fenghua clearly understands that there is still a big difference between these defensive necklaces and real artifacts.

A true artifact not only has spirituality, but also requires very little cultivation of the user. The top artifacts may even have no requirements at all. Ordinary people without cultivation can use them, and as long as the damage is not too serious, they can still be used. It can repair itself, so there is no need to ask for help from a refiner.

Although these defensive necklaces she refined have spirituality and are not demanding on the user, they are still somewhat demanding. More importantly, once damaged, they basically cannot be repaired by themselves unless they are willing to wait thousands of years and tens of thousands of years. There is still some hope for the year. So strictly speaking, there is still a big gap between these defensive necklaces and real artifacts.

"My lord, you are so humble. If these cannot be considered divine weapons, Wuji Shengtian may not be able to find any more divine weapons." Several people from Yuandaoling sighed in unison.

They are not bad at it, and they know that what Gu Fenghua said is true. However, over the years, the spiritual energy of Wuji Holy Heaven and Earth has become increasingly thinner, and the art of weapon refining has also declined. No one can even ascend to the position of Lord of Artifacts. Basically, there is no one anymore. Able to refine real artifacts. Putting aside the artifacts passed down from ancient times, the necklaces given to them by Gu Fenghua can already be regarded as Wuji Holy Heaven's top defensive artifacts.

Artifact, this is an artifact! Even though the Shengyuan Sect was once known as the head of the Eighteen Saint Sects in the Xuanji Domain, it did not have any decent artifacts, and the few items it had were not much better than this necklace. After years of struggling at the edge of Luo Xing Gorge, those artifacts were seriously damaged and unable to be repaired, and they had long since failed to live up to their name.

After getting the artifact again and feeling the unique ethereal spirit, several people's voices trembled slightly, and they respectfully addressed Gu Fenghua as Sect Master.

They were not sure who made these artifacts, but the fact that Gu Fenghua was able to gift them so generously at least proved that these artifacts were not too important in her opinion, and also proved that the Burning Heaven Sect's weapon refining skills were well-deserved. They were not disappointed. By joining such a sect, their Shengyuan Sect would never suffer, and they might even get a huge advantage.

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