My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4409 4409 Can you afford to pay?

"On a whim, I practiced a little too casually, which made a few people laugh." Gu Fenghua lowered his head and said modestly.

Is this modesty? This is obviously just pretending to be X, okay?

Seeing Gu Fenghua's embarrassed and embarrassed look, not to mention the others from Yuandaoling, even Liang Yicheng had the urge to go crazy.

Such an artifact is actually just the result of a whim, and the refining is too casual. So what will happen if you seriously refine an artifact? I'm afraid that even a few Wuji Holy Heavens together won't be enough to destroy you.

I’ve seen people who can pretend, but I’ve never seen people who can pretend like this.

Several people subconsciously looked at Zhen Fengliu, always thinking that the leader of Yelang Sect was good enough, but they didn't expect that there was someone here who was even more capable.

"By the way, Master Zhen, how did the ancient sword inside be destroyed?" Gu Fenghua certainly saw the disapproval in the eyes of several people, but did not explain it. He also looked at Zhen Fengliu and asked.

"Alas, our sect-suppressing treasure was destroyed by the hands of Shengyuan Sect." Zhen Fengliu glanced at Yuandaoling and said unhappily.

At that time, several masters of the Shengyuan Sect broke into the forbidden area of ​​the Yelang Sect and injured many strong men including the sect leader. Although they suffered heavy casualties under the attack of the Nine Nether Demon Mirage, the weapon used to seal the Nine Nether Demon Mirage The Youlong Sword was also broken from it.

Because the Youlong Sword hides the biggest secret of the Yelang Sect, future generations dare not find anyone to repair it. Even with Wuji Shengtian's current weapon refining skills, it is impossible to repair it, so the broken sword has been left to this day.

The treasure that held the sect was destroyed in such a way, the later disciples of the Yelang Sect naturally hated the people who broke into the sect at night. However, although they guessed the leader of the Shengyuan Sect, they had no real evidence, and the Shengyuan Sect disappeared. There has been no news for a thousand years. Even if it is confirmed that it was them, the Yelang Sect has no way to take revenge.

Now there is a chance for revenge, but the Shengyuan Sect has surrendered to Gu Fenghua's Burning Sky Sect. Let's not talk about whether the Yelang Sect has the strength to take revenge. Even if they do, they certainly can't get along with Gu Fenghua. Zhen Fengliu can only I can admit that I am unlucky.

"In the past, our ancestors were confused and made a big mistake. I hope that Master Zhen will forgive me. If I owe Yelang Sect, I, the Shengyuan Sect, will fully compensate for it." Hearing Zhen Fengliu bring up the old story again, Yuan Daoling couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed and said apologetically Zhen Fengliu said.

If it weren't for the intervention of Gu Fenghua and Ye Yunji, the Yelang Sect would have been destroyed by him many times. Of course, he would not take Zhen Fengliu seriously, but since he announced his affiliation to the Burning Sky Sect in public, there would naturally be some With the consciousness of joining the sect, he naturally can no longer pretend to be the head of the Eighteen Holy Sects.

In fact, Ye Yunji was given such a blow as a free gift, and he really couldn't afford to stand on it.

"Compensation, can you afford it?" Zhen Fengliu muttered in her heart. Although she didn't say it out loud for Gu Fenghua's sake, her eyes were full of contempt: She couldn't even get two million high-grade Holy Spirit Stones, so why not? You have the nerve to be poor and generous in front of me, and you don't feel ashamed either.

"Sect Master Zhen, I also know that the Yelang Sect, a treasure that is unparalleled in the world, has been ruined to this extent. Even when the Sheng Yuan Sect was at its peak, it could not make up for it, let alone now. I hereby swear that from now on, the Sheng Yuan Sect will not be able to make up for it. I am willing to use the strength of the entire sect to protect the eternal peace of the Yelang Sect. Where the Yelang Sect is, our Holy Yuan Sect will be there. If the Yelang Sect dies, our Holy Yuan Sect will never survive alone!" Seeing the disdain in Zhen Fengliu's eyes, Yuandao Ling continued, this time much more sincerely.

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