My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 4412 4412 How long are you going to pretend?

You must know that Shen Tuyu's strength is slightly better than that of the current sect master. Even if the sect master and several other elders at that time were not as good as him, they were not far behind. However, they suffered heavy casualties under the Youlong Sword. The Yelang Sect How powerful must this sect-suppressing divine sword be?

"I'm afraid it's not easy to repair such a divine sword, right?" A young disciple said curiously.

"Nonsense, if it was so easy to repair, why would the Yelang Sect wait until today?" Another disciple said disapprovingly.

The more powerful the artifact is, the higher the grade, and the less likely it is to be damaged, but once it is seriously damaged, it will be more difficult to repair. This Ghost Dragon Sword was broken into two pieces, so it would be even more difficult to repair it. This truth is well known in Wuji Holy Heaven, so there is no need to ask more.

"Gu Fenghua really has such strong weapon refining skills that he can even repair such damaged artifacts?" The previous disciple continued. It turned out that this was his real question.

Every accomplished weapon refiner in Wuji Shengtian has his or her own unique skills. Not only are their weapon refining techniques very different, but their understanding of the art of weapons is also very different. If you want to repair an artifact refined by others, you must understand its mechanics and use the corresponding refining techniques. Therefore, repairing an artifact is more difficult than refining it yourself, or even a hundred times harder.

The Yelang Sect's Sect-Suppressing Divine Sword is already of a high grade, but it was broken into two pieces. Even if the Taoist Master who originally made this sword could repair it himself, let alone an outsider?

Until they watched Gu Fenghua and others enter the ancestral hall and the door slowly closed, the eyes of all the Shengyuan Sect disciples were still full of suspicion.

Of course, Gu Fenghua didn't care about their looks. After entering the ancestral hall, he went straight to the altar and slowly made his fingerprints.

"Fenghua, do you want to rest for a while?" Luo Enen said worriedly.

As the door of the ancestral hall was closed before, they knew nothing about what happened inside, and they were worried that Gu Fenghua had just escaped from death and had not yet fully recovered.

"Yes, Fenghua, it's not too late to rush. It's not too late to rest for a while before taking action." Zhen Fengliu also advised.

Although the Youlong Sword has been broken into two parts, the remaining power is still there. If Gu Fenghua's body fails to recover, it will be too late to regret it.

"It's okay. It's not too difficult to repair this sword. Don't worry." Gu Fenghua said with a calm smile. His expression was so relaxed and confident.

Pretend again, pretend again, how long are you going to pretend? Seeing this, Yuan Daoling and several elders of the Shengyuan Sect looked at each other and almost cursed. Even the corner of Liang Yicheng's mouth twitched violently.

After entering the ancestral hall and observing the Yelang Sect's sect-suppressing sword up close, they realized what made Zhen Fengliu so excited and unbelievable just now.

The divine sword is densely engraved with runes. Although they are not good at the art of refining weapons, they have reached this level and have dabbled in it. It is easy to see that these runes were definitely not made by one person.

If you guessed it correctly, this Ghost Dragon Sword was also made by the many masters of weaponry who made the ancestral hall in the past, and it is also a part of the ancestral hall. This also means that if you want to understand the weapons and techniques contained in the Youlong Sword, you must understand the techniques and techniques of the entire ancestral hall. If you want to cultivate, you must also master all the refining methods.

You must know that in order to build this ancestral hall, the founding ancestor of the Yelang Sect spent a lot of money to hire hundreds of top weapon masters. Each of them had different learning, different understanding of the art of weapon refining, and different techniques. No matter how you look at it, it is absolutely impossible to understand and master all of them with just one person's efforts.

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